The fellowship provides an opportunity for recent doctoral scientists to develop innovative instrumentation or to conduct novel theoretical and observational research in planetary astronomy. Planetary astronomy brings together research efforts of two fields—planetary science and astronomy—to characterize planetary systems. The fellowship supports postdoctoral fellows to advance our fundamental understanding of exoplanets, solar system science, planet formation and evolution, planetary atmospheres, protoplanetary disks, or other closely related topics.
The fellowship recognizes early-career investigators of significant potential and provides them with the opportunity to conduct independent research. Each recipient will receive a three-year grant of up to $450,000 to cover salary, benefits, highly-flexible discretionary spending (e.g., travel, family care, moving expenses, research equipment, personal computers, etc.), and indirect costs. Awarded postdoctoral fellows are expected to carry out a strong, coherent research program in planetary astronomy. Assuming satisfactory progress, fellows may apply for a fourth year of funding.
The Foundation anticipates awarding six to eight fellowships this year, based on the quality of submissions. The Heising-Simons Foundation is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Thus, we particularly welcome applications from individuals who belong to groups that have been historically underrepresented in planetary sciences and astronomy such as women, persons with disabilities, racial and ethnic minorities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity, and others who may contribute to diversification of the field.
The 51 Pegasi b 2024/2025 application period has closed. Applicants will be notified about the status of their applications by mid February.
Contact: Michael Line
The School of Earth and Space Exploration (SESE) focuses on a broad range of planetary astronomy related topics spanning exoplanet characterization to planetary geology and cosmochemistry. SESE faculty and researchers are heavily involved in both the development of, and in the analysis of, data from numerous exoplanet characterization and solar system missions. Astronomers in SESE have access to a wide array of Arizona telescope facilities, including the MMT Observatory, Large Binocular Telescope (LBT), and the Magellan telescopes. SESE also includes over 40 laboratories providing access to numerous advanced analytical instruments and equipment including mass spectrometers, apparatus for high pressure and temperature experiments, and space hardware fabrication and testing facilities; a world-class collection of meteorites housed in SESE’s Buseck Center for Meteorite Studies is extensively utilized for research and education purposes within and beyond ASU. SESE is committed to reaching a wide and diverse audience through several programs ranging from the Sundial Mentorship Program and numerous community engagement programs experienced by upwards of 30,000 community members each year. ASU is deeply committed to inclusive excellence through several initiatives including the ASU Advance, LIFT, and the recent designation as a Hispanic Serving Institution.
Contact: Dimitri Mawet
At Caltech, 51 Pegasi b fellows will join a vibrant planetary astronomy community in the Divisions of Geological and Planetary Sciences (GPS) and Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy (PMA). Caltech has institutional access to Keck, Palomar, and the Owens Valley Radio Observatories, and is in close proximity to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC) and NASA Exoplanet Science Institute (NExScI). Our observatories encompass a wide range of instruments that are well-suited to characterizing the properties of other bodies in the solar system as well as exoplanetary systems. There are multiple faculty working on the geology of planetary bodies (Ehlmann, Grotzinger, Lamb), planet formation and planetary dynamics (Batygin, Fuller, Blake), characterization of moons and small bodies (de Kleer, Brown, Tissot), atmospheric modeling (Yung), characterization of exoplanetary systems through a variety of methods including transits, radial velocities and direct imaging (Knutson, Howard, Mawet), magnetic interactions between stars and planets (Hallinan), as well as stellar and planet formation and co-evolution (Hillenbrand). We also have the Resnick High Performance Computing Center. Caltech also hosts the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Outreach, which coordinates a broad range of campus-wide outreach efforts and also offers regular seminars and certification programs on university teaching that are open to postdocs. Caltech’s Center for Inclusion and Diversity is also a great way to learn about relevant campus-wide DEI resources and activities. See also DEI-related topics and resources in GPS and PMA.
Contact: Anat Shahar
At Carnegie Science, 51 Pegasi b fellows can drive groundbreaking research at our Earth and Planets Laboratory (EPL) in Washington, D.C., our Observatories (OBS) in Pasadena, CA, or both. By bringing geochemists and geophysicists, cosmochemists, astronomers, high-pressure physicists, petrologists, and astrobiologists together to work collaboratively, EPL is deepening our understanding of how planets form and evolve and the processes that determine their surface environments—providing the baseline information needed to search for extraterrestrial biosignatures. At OBS our observational astronomers and theoretical astrophysicists work closely with our on-site engineers to pioneer the optical designs of the future, including an instrument to discover extrasolar planets, and others in development that will detect and reveal the chemistry of exoplanet atmospheres. Carnegie postdocs enjoy unparalleled access to cutting-edge tools, including the telescopes at our Las Campanas Observatory in Chile, High-Performance Computing, a state-of-the-art Visualization Lab in Pasadena, and a suite of advanced spectroscopic and high-pressure instruments in Washington, D.C. Just as scientific discovery is at the core of our mission, DEI is key to our work. Postdocs are eligible for internal awards to support new DEI projects, have opportunities to mentor undergraduate interns, and benefit from a robust mentoring program and DEI seminar series.
Contact: Nikole Lewis
Cornell University has a broad range of research opportunities in planetary astronomy spanning both solar system and exoplanet exploration that leverages theoretical, observational and laboratory expertise. Most of our faculty engaged in planetary astronomy research are members of the Carl Sagan Institute an interdisciplinary team of researchers spanning more than a dozen departments at Cornell. Faculty and researchers at Cornell are engaged in planetary observational efforts across the electromagnetic spectrum using both ground and space-based telescopes and also actively participate in current and future solar system exploration missions. At Cornell there are also opportunities to participate in planetary astronomy theoretical, engineering and laboratory research efforts. Cornell provides a wide variety of opportunities for postdoctoral training through their Pathways to Success program, Postdoc Leadership Certificate Program, and Future Professors Institute. Postdoctoral researchers can also become involved in a growing number of efforts to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM through Cornell’s Office of Inclusion and Student Engagement (OISE), departmental committees, and mentorship opportunities with the McNair Scholars, Astronomy REU, and Nexus Scholars programs at Cornell. Cornell’s founding principle of “…any person … any study.” is at the core of our nearly limitless possibilities for postdoctoral research, training, and mentorship.
Contact: David Charbonneau
The Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian is a joint institute combining the strengths of the Department of Astronomy at Harvard University and the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. Potential advisors include Sean Andrews, David Charbonneau, Scott Kenyon, David Latham, Mercedes López-Morales, Karin Öberg, Dimitar Sasselov, Andrew Szentgyorgyi, and Jennifer Yee, as well as Roger Fu, Rebecca Fischer, Stein Jacobsen, and Robin Wordsworth in the Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences. Fellows may propose for time on the numerous observatories operated by the CfA, including the twin 6.5m Magellan telescopes in Chile, the 6.5 MMT and 1.5m and 1.2m telescopes at Mt Hopkins, Arizona, and the Submillimeter Array in Hawaii, and may join the HARPS-N consortium. The Institute for Theory and Computation provides access to two supercomputing facilities. In addition to the colloquium and seminar series, the CfA is home to several standing exoplanet-specific gatherings, including the Wednesday Exopizza Lunches and Friday Planetary Journal Club. Fellows frequently advise undergraduate students through the REU and Latino Scholars Initiative summer programs, and through term-time advising of Harvard students, and may advise local high school students through SRMP.
Contact: Sarah Horst
Planetary astronomy at Johns Hopkins is carried out in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences and Department of Physics and Astronomy. Additionally, there are strong collaborations with the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI, located on our campus), the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, and the Carnegie Earth and Planets Laboratory. We cover all aspects of planetary astronomy from the smallest bodies in the Solar System to exoplanets and brown dwarfs to the earliest periods of Earth’s history. Our faculty are deeply involved in mission work (e.g., JWST, HST, Dragonfly, Mars Curiosity, Mars Perseverance, DAVINCI, InSight), ground-based observations, theory and modeling, and laboratory experiments. In addition to a wide variety of research opportunities, our postdocs have the opportunity participate in a range of DEI and teaching opportunities including the Johns Hopkins Deans Teaching Fellowship and mentoring Rowland Research Fellows.
Contact: Julien de Wit
The MIT Planetary Community takes a comprehensive approach, by studying how planetary disks form and evolve (Prof. Teague), exploring the orbital architectures and the interiors/atmospheres of exoplanets (Profs. Cahoy, Millholland, Ricker, Seager, Vandenburg, and de Wit), and—closer to Earth—investigating the geophysical fluid dynamics of planets and their icy moons (Prof. Kang), the landscape evolutions in the Solar System (Profs. Perron and Stucky de Quay), planetary processes via meteorites paleomagnetism (Prof. Weiss), the structure and tectonics of solar system bodies using gravity and laser altimetry (Prof. Zuber), and the long-term evolution of the orbits and spins of the planets and natural satellites (Prof. Wisdom). Our community leverages numerous facilities including the Magellan Telescopes, TESS, Wallace Observatory, the MIT Paleomagnetism Laboratory, and the MIT Isotope Lab. Opportunities to become involved in DEI at MIT include TIDE (Towards Inclusion and Diversity in EAPS), WiXII (Womxn in Course 12), the Committee on Race and Diversity, LGBTQ+@MIT, LINK12 volunteer outreach program to Boston-area schools, and MIT Sidewalk Astrogazers.
Contact: Jason Wang
Northwestern University is home to a broad range of Solar System and exoplanet science in both theory and observation. Fellows have the opportunity to collaborate faculty including Daniel Lecoanet (astrophysical and geophysical fluid dynamics), Yoram Lithwick (planet formation and dynamics), Elvira Mulyukova (dynamics of rocky planets and icy satellites), Giles Novak (formation of stars and planets; instrumentation), Maggie Osburn (geobiology and astrobiology), Fred Rasio (dynamics and planet formation), Mel Ulmer (deformable mirror technology and exoplanet imaging), Suzan van der Lee (planetary interiors), and Jason Wang (exoplanet imaging and instrumentation). Fellows at Northwestern can be based either out of or affiliated with the Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics (CIERA) which connects all researchers in the area of planetary astronomy. Fellows can be lead investigators for telescope time through CIERA, which includes both Keck and MMT observatories. CIERA also provides access to high performance computing clusters. Fellows have the opportunity to mentor students through the REU, REACH, and Illinois Space Grant programs, take professional development workshops such as RCTP and mentorship training, advance diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts through JEDI and NU-Geopaths, and lead outreach efforts in the greater Chicagoland area.
Contact: Eric Ford
Faculty & Research Areas: Ben Cardenas (Mars geology; planetary surfaces; Earth analogs), Eric Feigelson (transiting planet searches), Brad Foley (planetary geodynamics), Eric Ford (exoplanet demographics; sun-as-a-star observations; planet formation), Katherine Freeman (Bennu, organics), Steven Greybush (Martian atmosphere), Christopher House (astrobiology; organics), Kevin Luhman (brown dwarfs), Suvrath Mahadevan (exoplanet surveys; Instrumentation; precision spectroscopy), Tushar Mittal (planetary geophysics; IR spectroscopy; icy moons), Steinn Sigurdsson (planetary dynamics), and Jason Wright (exoplanets; SETI) Postdocs are encouraged to lead proposals for institutional observing time on the 10.4m Hobby-Eberly Telescope with its near-IR Habitable Zone Planet Finder and the NEID spectrograph on the 3.5m WIYN telescope. Postdocs have access to the Roar Collab supercomputing system and benefit from a rich environment including regular seminars, journal clubs and support groups. Postdocs mentor students via programs, including the Students Together for Astronomy Research, First-year Undergraduate Research Program, Women in Science, and Engineering Research and Minority Undergraduate Research Experience programs , and Schreyers honors program. Postdocs can contribute to the Towards a More Inclusive Astronomy discussion group plus a variety of DEI and outreach initiatives. Planetary astronomy research spans the departments of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Geosciences, and Meteorology, which are connected by the Center for Exoplanets & Habitable Worlds, Astrobiology Research Center, and the Planetary System Science Center.
Contact: Joshua Winn
Princeton University is home to a vibrant research group in planetary and exoplanetary science, including theoreticians, observers, experimentalists, and instrument builders. We take pride in our interactive, inclusive, and supportive atmosphere. Our Astrophysicsdepartment meets daily for “Astro-coffee” and the exoplanet group meets weekly for a roundtable discussion. Among the faculty, Gaspar Bakos builds innovative instruments for detecting exoplanets and exploring bright and time-variable astrophysical phenomena. Adam Burrows studies the theory of exoplanetary atmospheres, interiors, and evolution. Josh Winn uses the Doppler, transit, and astrometric techniques to study the geometry of exoplanetary systems and population statistics. Chris Chyba is involved in solar system exploration, especially the icy satellites of the giant planets. Jeremy Goodman’s work spans a broad range of theoretical topics including dynamics, tides, and planet formation theory. In the Geosciences department, Jie Deng uses atomistic simulations and laboratory experiments to study material properties and processes involving planetary bodies. In Tom Duffy‘s lab, geological materials are subjected to extreme pressure and temperature to support modeling of planetary interiors. Allan Rubin uses seismic and geodetic observations to understand frictional deformation and vulcanism on Earth’s crust and the outer shells of planets and icy moons. Jeroen Tromp investigates the interiors of Earth and Mars with theoretical and computational studies of seismic wave propagation and normal modes. Frederik Simons is a global geophysicist who develops instrumentation, theory, and inverse methods of statistical inference for the study of the Earth and other planetary lithospheres, via the analysis of seismic waves, magnetic fields, and time-variable satellite gravity observations. Princeton researchers also benefit from close connections to scientists at the nearby Institute for Advanced Studies, and institutional access to the Magellan 6.5m telescopes and the WIYN 3.5m telescope. Postdoctoral researchers often become involved in student mentoring, our public observing program, the Princeton Prison Teaching Program, and other community outreach initiatives.
Contact: Ji Wang
At The Ohio State University, we are working at the cutting edge of exoplanetary science, fostering both academic and personal growth for postdocs while offering unique opportunities for 51 Pegasi b Fellows. Our access to the Large Binocular Telescope, the world’s largest aperture optical telescope on a single mount, enables unique observations with the cutting-edge high-resolution spectroscopic capabilities of iLocater and PEPSI, allowing in-depth studies of exoplanet atmospheres and stellar variability. OSU plays a leading role in the exoplanet science elements of the NASA Roman Galactic Bulge Time Domain Survey, supported by a vibrant group of faculty, postdocs, graduate students, and undergraduates. Our astronomical instrumentation program develops next-generation instruments for exoplanetary research. Faculty members are actively involved in missions such as Twinkle and the Habitable Worlds Observatory. Additionally, OSU provides extensive research resources including high-performance computing (HPC) and access to large spectroscopic surveys such as the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The Department supports a diverse community of over 20 postdocs in Astronomy and the Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics (CCAPP), fostering inclusivity through regular talks, a bi-weekly Diversity Journal Club, a weekly social Astro Tea, and annual development workshops. The entire OSU astronomy community engages with daily ‘Astro Coffee’ which is known for its timeliness, interaction, and consistent and broad participation across students, postdocs, and faculty members. Notable exoplanet faculty and staff include Scott Gaudi, Ji Wang, Jonathan Crass, Marshall Johnson, Jennifer Johnson and Marc Pinsonneault, who are involved in various programs, missions and instrumentation projects spanning exoplanets and the planet-star connection.
Contact: Jared Males
The University of Arizona has a long history of planetary astronomy research. Home to Steward Observatory and the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, UArizona has a diverse collection of planet-focused research programs spanning disks, planet formation and evolution, ground- and space-based instrumentation, laboratory planetary science, observational planetary astronomy, and atmospheric modeling and observations. The Departments of Planetary Science and Astronomy encompass over 100 faculty members, 57 postdoctoral scholars, and 92 graduate students, and have strong connections to other space science-focused programs at UArizona. UArizona researchers enjoy access to a wide variety of observing facilities, including the 2×8.4 m (22 m baseline) Large Binocular Telescope, the 6.5 m MMT Telescope, and the two 6.5 m Magellan Telescopes as well as a host of smaller facilities. Additionally, UArizona is a founding partner in the Giant Magellan Telescope and maintains strong space mission involvement, especially through James Webb Space Telescope and OSIRIS-REx. Our faculty, postdocs, and grad students lead and support many initiatives focused on improving diversity and inclusion in STEM fields over a range of career stages (see and Finally, UArizona, Steward Observatory and LPL have active career-development programs designed to help postdoctoral scholars achieve their goals.
Contact: Courtney Dressing
The University of California at Berkeley is home to a vibrant community of scientists working on all aspects of planetary astronomy including architectures and dynamics of planetary systems; astrobiology; astrochemistry; computational simulations; disks; exoplanet detection, characterization, and demographics; instrumentation; laboratory studies; planet formation and migration; planetary interiors; planning for future facilities; and solar system observations and analysis at multiple (vis-IR-radio) wavelengths (e.g., history of water on Mars; evolution and properties of ocean worlds). Potential hosts reside within multiple departments, as well as the nearby Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) and the Space Sciences Laboratory (SSL), and collaborate via the Center for Integrative Planetary Science. Possible hosts include Basri (Astronomy), Bergner (Chemistry), Boering (Chemistry & EPS), Bloom (Astronomy), Boos (EPS), Buffett (EPS), Chiang (Astronomy & EPS), de Pater (Astronomy & EPS), Dietrich (EPS), Dressing (Astronomy), Jeanloz (EPS & Astronomy), Kalas (Astronomy), Lipps (Integrative Biology), Manga (EPS), Marcus (Mechanical Engineering), Militzer (EPS & Astronomy), Romps (EPS), Stolper (EPS), and Westphal (SSL). Berkeley offers institutional access to Keck Observatory and Lick Observatory, laboratory space, and computational resources. Berkeley scientists can apply to use (inter)national facilities (e.g., HST, JWST, ALMA, VLA, NOIRLab). DEI opportunities include the Astronomy Climate Advisors, Respect is Part of Research, AstroTech, AstroQ, Society of Women in the Physical Sciences, Cal-Bridge, CAMPARE/CHAMP, Cal-NERDS, DEI journal club, and outreach events to schools and community colleges.
Contact: Edward Young
The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) conducts a wide range of observational, theoretical, and experimental planetary astronomy. Planetary astronomy research at UCLA is conducted in two departments: Physics and Astronomy (P&A) and Earth Planetary and Space Sciences (EPSS). In P&A, key research areas include the detection and characterization of extrasolar planets and debris disks (Profs. Petigura & Fitzgerald); theoretical studies of the formation and dynamics of planetary systems (Profs. Naoz & Hansen); and the development of optical and IR instrumentation for (exo)planetary astronomy (e.g., NIRSPEC, NIRSPAO, GPI, Prof. Fitzgerald). In EPSS, key research areas include observations of solar system bodies (Profs. Margot & Jewitt) theoretical work on the interiors and atmospheric properties of terrestrial and Jovian planets (Profs. Cao, Schlichting, Stixrude, & Young). Fellows in either department may access telescopes at Lick Observatory (as PI) and the 10 m Keck Telescope (in coordination with their faculty mentor). Other relevant facilities include the Infrared Laboratory and Hoffman2 supercomputer. Fellows are welcome to participate in existing DEI initiatives such as DiversiTea, CalBridge, Explore Your Universe, the UCLA Planetarium, or develop their own program.
Contact: Jonathan Fortney
Planetary astronomy at UC Santa Cruz encompasses work in the departments of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Earth & Planetary Sciences, and Applied Mathematics. These departments cover a wide breadth of exoplanet and solar system science. Planetary atmospheres (Fortney, Zhang, Skemer, Batalha, Murray-Clay, Jensen-Clem, Macintosh), planetary interiors (Nimmo, Fortney, Garaud, Garrick-Bethel), transiting planets (Batalha, Fortney, Murray-Clay), directly imaged planets and related adaptive optics and infrared instrumentation (Macintosh, Jensen-Clem, Skemmer, Hinz), solar system space mission data analysis (Garrick-Bethel, Nimmo, Telus, Zhang, Fortney), meteorite lab studies (Telus), and planet formation and dynamics (Murray-Clay), are all covered at UC Santa Cruz. We are a collegial group involving many grad students and postdocs, which comes together for weekly Planetary Lunch talks. We also host the yearly Other Worlds Laboratory (OWL) exoplanet summer program that brings dozens of researchers to campus. UC Santa Cruz is home to the University of California Observatories, which runs the Lick Observatory and UC’s share of the Keck Observatories. We have a robust group in high-performance computing, which currently centers on the on-campus lux supercomputer. DEI-related programs include Lamat, CREST, PIE inmate education, and others.
Contact: Fred Ciesla
The planetary community at the University of Chicago has broad interests in the Solar System and exoplanets with members primarily distributed across two departments: Astronomy & Astrophysics and Geophysical Sciences. Active areas of research include theoretical and observational studies of planetary atmospheres, climate evolution, planet formation, planetary structure and evolution, orbital dynamics, and instrumentation. Facilities used in research programs include Hubble, JWST, the Magellan Telescopes, Gemini Observatories, the Mars Perseverance Rover, and the Midway Research Computing Center. The University of Chicago is also a founding partner in the Giant Magellan Telescope, which is currently under construction in Chile, and hosts laboratories focused on the analysis of extraterrestrial samples. Faculty, postdocs, and students from both departments meet regularly to discuss papers at the weekly Exoplanet Journal Club, where new research results or ideas are also discussed. There are also a number of interdisciplinary efforts on campus that many of the planetary community members contribute to, including the Chicago Center for Origin of Life and the Data Science Institute, as well as opportunities to build connections with Argonne National Lab and FermiLab. Community members also take part in a number of outreach and DEI efforts throughout campus, the broader Chicago area, and their professional societies; examples include participating in the Chicago South Side Science Festival and collaborations with Adler Planetarium. The University of Chicago is also committed to providing resources for students and postdocs to define and meet their career goals through the UChicago Grad Office.
Contact: Zachory Berta-Thompson
The University of Colorado Boulder is home to a community of planetary astronomers engaged in crafting a complete picture of how planets work. Researchers in the Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences conduct research on orbital and fluid dynamics theory (Ann-Marie Madigan, Ben Brown), observations of exoplanets and stars (Zach Berta-Thompson, Kevin France, Adam Kowalski, Marialis Rosario Franco), remote sensing and in-situ Solar System measurements (David Brain, Shannon Curry, Paul Hayne, John Keller, Nick Schneider), and space plasmas (Lauren Blum, Bob Ergun, David Malaspina); additional planetary research also happens throughout Geological Sciences, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, and Physics. Fellows would have access to CU’s telescope partnerships (APO 3.5m, SDSS-V, Las Cumbres), high-performance computing resources, powerful hardware development facilities, the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, and the National Solar Observatory. With one of the largest undergraduate majors in the country, the on-campus Fiske Planetarium and Sommers-Bausch Observatory outreach facilities, a partnership with Fort Lewis College to support Indigenous students in astronomy, and a departmental community that values equity and inclusion, CU Boulder commits to be a place where fellows will receive both encouragement and support in efforts to build a more equitable, inclusive, and just academia.
Contact: Michael Liu
The University of Hawaiʻi offers research opportunities across a wide landscape of planetary science, including exoplanet detection (Michael Bottom, Fei Dai, Eric Gaidos, Michael Liu), host star characterization (Christoph Baranec, Dan Huber, Jennifer van Saders), protoplanetary disks (Jonathan Williams), astrobiology (Karen Meech), meteoritics, cosmochemistry and planetary interiors (Sasha Krot, Gary Huss, Elena Dobrica, Bin Chen), and Solar System remote sensing (Paul Lucey). 51 Pegasi b Fellows at UH can lead their own observing programs as PI and have unmatched access to all the telescopes on Maunakea including Keck, Gemini-North, Subaru and the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, which are deeply engaged in cutting-edge exoplanet instrumentation. UH also offers advanced laboratory facilities for high-pressure physics and analyses of meteorites and returned samples. UH is a minority-serving institution with a diverse student population, with DEI initiatives including an NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates summer program, the Akamai Workforce Initiative (for Hawaiʻi-based undergraduates in STEM), the HI-STAR program (for middle and high school students), the Maunakea Scholars program (for Hawaiʻi-based high school students), and the undergraduate astronomy degree programs at UH-Mānoa and UH-Hilo. UH also runs TeachAstro, a summer astronomy workshop for Hawaiʻi STEM teachers. Planetary research at UH spans multiple departments, including the Institute for Astronomy, the Hawai‘i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology, and the Department of Earth Sciences.
Contact: Eliza Kempton
Planetary astronomy at the University of Maryland is housed across several departments — Astronomy, Geology, Aerospace Engineering, and Atmospheric and Oceanic Science with over a dozen potential faculty hosts spanning those disciplines. Research areas include exoplanet atmospheres, planetary dynamics and small bodies, and surface and atmospheric processes on Earth, Mars, and other rocky bodies in the solar system. Opportunities exist to collaborate with researchers at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center as well as the many planetary and exoplanet scientists in the greater Washington DC area. Fellows are encouraged to get involved with existing DEI programs in their host department and should inquire about opportunities therein.
Contact: Elena Gallo
The University of Michigan (UM) Astronomy department conducts world-leading research in the areas of planet formation, dynamics, and astrochemistry (Adams, Bergin, Calvet) as well as exoplanet atmospheric dynamics and star-planet connections (Rauscher, Corrales, Gallo, Roettenbacher). Our access to world-class facilities, including Magellan and CHARA, fuels robust instrumentation groups that discover and characterize exoplanets through direct imaging, astrometry, and interferometry (Meyer, Monnier). Department members win substantial time on international facilities including ALMA, JWST, HST, and Chandra. UM is also the only US institution with investments in the ESO-ELT, which will see first light in 2028. Our department is working on instrumentation and science projects that will take full advantage of this partnership over the next decade. For more information on facilities, see Department members also receive access to high performance computing clusters (Great Lakes) and collaborations with data science initiatives (MIDAS and MCAIM). UM also hosts robust planetary science groups in the Climate and Space Science (e.g., Cheng Li), Physics (e.g., Gerdes) and Earth Science (e.g., Jackie Li) departments. For more information on interdisciplinary partnerships, see UM Astronomy as a department believes that excellence in science is predicated on inclusively and equitably embracing our full diversity. For more information on our DEI activities and initiatives, see
Contact: Adam Kraus
The University of Texas at Austin has a broad emphasis on planetary astronomy, spanning theory (Caroline Morley, Stella Offner), observations (Brendan Bowler, Anita Cochran, Bill Cochran, Keith Hawkins, Adam Kraus), and instrumentation (Daniel Jaffe). Fields of active research at UT-Austin include exoplanet discovery and characterization, planetary system demographics, observations and theoretical modeling of planetary atmospheres, the evolution of planets and planetary systems, star and planet formation, and astrochemistry. Facilities available to 51 Pegasi b fellows at UT-Austin include the 10-meter Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET) and its Habitable-zone Planet Finder (HPF) spectrograph, the telescopes of McDonald Observatory, the Las Cumbres Observatory network, the high-performance computing resources and GPU cluster of the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC), and the Machine Learning Laboratory. Planetary astronomers at UT-Austin are also affiliated with its Center for Planetary Systems Habitability and the Oden Institute for Computational Sciences. UT-Austin also hosts long-running summer research programs for undergraduates (TAURUS and an NSF-REU site), as well as offering numerous opportunities to mentor UT students in pursuing research projects.
Contact: Victoria Meadows
The University of Washington hosts research efforts in exoplanets, planetary sciences and astrobiology, primarily within the Astronomy, and Earth and Space Sciences departments. UW is also a leader in interdisciplinary Astrobiology Graduate training, with a vibrant graduate program that spans 11 science and engineering departments across the University. Our research is supported by high-performance computing, laboratory and telescope facilities, and includes understanding the origin and coevolution of early life with its environment (Catling, Krissansen-Totton), and the populations, environments and astrobiological potential of Solar System icy worlds and small bodies (Journaux, Winebrenner, Nunn), including Solar System surveys with the Rubin Observatory (Juric); understanding factors affecting terrestrial exoplanet formation, evolution and habitability (Barnes, Quinn, Meadows); identifying novel potential biosignatures (Meadows, Krissansen-Totton); developing statistical frameworks to interpret exoplanetary biosignatures (Meadows, Krissansen-Totton, Catling); developing terrestrial exoplanet models and simulated spectra to analyze JWST TRAPPIST-1 data; and evaluating scientific outcomes (Agol, Meadows, Barnes), and developing technology (Tuttle) for telescopes that will study exoplanets and search for life beyond the Solar System. 51 Pegasi b fellows are invited to participate in our Astrobiology graduate program, including auditing or guest teaching classes, and participating in, or helping to lead, astrobiology field workshops and other activities. Fellows can also provide mentorship in scientific programing and research for underrepresented undergraduate students in our Pre-Major in Astronomy Program.
Contact: Thomas Beatty
Planetary astronomy research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison covers a range of topics among our five exoplanet-focused faculty, from planet formation to atmospheric characterization and searches for life. Specific topics and faculty within the Astronomy Department are: chemical evolution in protoplanetary disks (Ke Zhang), laboratory astrochemisty studies (Susanna Widdicus-Weaver), planetary system dynamics (Juliette Becker), RV detection of new exoplanets (Thomas Beatty, Juliette Becker), exoplanet atmospheric characterization (Thomas Beatty), astrobiology and origins of life (Zoe Todd). In addition, the newly-developed Wisconsin Center for Origins Research (WiCOR) unites seven departments and 30 faculty members working on topics ranging from exoplanets to abiogenesis. The University has institutional access to the Southern African Large Telescope, WIYN Observatory (including the NEID spectrograph), and Northern Extended Millimeter Array (NOEMA). Faculty have also been recently successful with national proposals for ALMA, HST, and JWST time. Lab facilities include a spectroscopy-focused laboratory (Widdicus-Weaver), and a prebiotic chemistry-focused laboratory (Todd). UW Space Place, an education and outreach center of the Astronomy Department, provides regular workshops for K12 school groups, clubs, and special interest groups in astronomy. 51 Peg Fellows are encouraged to participate in existing Space Place programs and to develop their own.
Contact: Malena Rice
Yale hosts a broad range of research efforts spanning the formation, characterization, and evolution of planetary systems across our departments of Astronomy, Earth and Planetary Sciences, and Statistics and Data Science, as well as Yale’s Institute for Foundations of Data Science (FDS). Our faculty’s research interests range from the birthplaces of exoplanets (Héctor Arce) to the interior structure, dynamics, and evolution of their host stars (Sarbani Basu, Earl Bellinger); the geophysics and thermal evolution of solar system and extrasolar planets (Jun Korenaga); the atmospheres and climates of other worlds (Juan Lora); the dynamics, characterization, and demographics of mature planetary systems (Malena Rice, Debra Fischer); and applications of novel statistics and machine learning techniques to study planetary systems (Lu Lu, Earl Bellinger). Fellows at Yale have the opportunity to lead observing programs through institutional access to world-class telescopes at the Keck and Palomar Observatories. They also have access to excellent high-performance computing facilities, a vast collection of meteorite samples housed at Yale’s Peabody Museum, and a vibrant community of students, postdocs, research scientists, and faculty working across the 51 Pegasi b areas. Members of Yale’s planetary community regularly serve as leaders in DEI, education, and outreach initiatives such as Yale Open Labs, Yale’s Girls’ Science Investigations, Astronomy on Tap New Haven, the Yale Summer Program in Astrophysics, the Yale Astronomy and Space Science Explorers program, and weekly public nights at Yale’s Leitner Observatory and Planetarium.
In preparing your research proposal and supporting materials, please consider that fellowship applications will be evaluated based on the following six equally-weighted criteria:
Interested candidates are asked to submit an online application, and will be asked to include:
The funding for your fellowship is routed through your host institution. Temporary working arrangements at external sites (observatories, national labs, etc.) are permissible if they support your proposed research and are endorsed by your faculty mentor and institution.
The 51 Pegasi b Fellowship has forged a partnership with your host institution to ensure a rich experience by establishing access to faculty mentors and other resources to excel in your research endeavors. Therefore, we highly encourage you to stay at your host institution during the duration of your fellowship term. Should a fellow require a location change, they should notify the Foundation immediately. Each request will be assessed and approved on a case by case basis.
No, the three-page limit does not include references, figures, and tables. An additional 2 pages may be included for references, figures, and tables for a total of 5 pages.
Yes, following the review and final selection process, the excel budget template and guidelines will be shared with the 51 Pegasi b recipient. The budget must be reviewed and endorsed by the host institution’s office of sponsored projects
No, you may only submit two letters of recommendation. These letters must be provided by the candidate’s Ph.D. advisor, a senior collaborator, or a scientific mentor.
Changes to your submitted application can only be made during the open period of the online application platform.
The deadline cannot be extended. There are no exceptions.
All selected applicants will be notified in February.