News & Stories Science Program Director Cyndi Atherton to Moderate Climate Crossroads Summit Panel Share By Madeleine Perkins on 7/7/2023 on 7/7/2023 Science Program Director Dr. Cyndi Atherton will moderate the Pathways to Climate Action panel session at The National Academies’ Climate Crossroads Summit on July 11. The National Academies’ Climate Crossroads Summit will bring together leaders spanning the breadth of expertise for a vibrant discussion about how to catalyze action among a diverse range of stakeholders and decision-makers. The global scientific community is in a crucial window of opportunity to address the many threats climate change poses to our planet and societies all over the world. To meet these challenges, we must harness the full complement of knowledge and skills across science, engineering, and medicine. The session moderated by Dr. Atherton will feature a discussion about key barriers to addressing climate challenges and opportunities to accelerate the transition of science into action. Panelists include: Jared Cohon (NAE), Carnegie Mellon University (Emeritus) Glen MacDonald (NAS), University of California Los Angeles Raj Pandya, American Geophysical Union Jonathan Patz (NAM), University of Wisconsin-Madison (virtual) Join the session virtually or in person by registering here. Follow us on LinkedIn. Foundation News, Science Close Share this page Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on LinkedIn Share on Email
Foundation Perspectives, Letters from the President 12/18/24 Year-End Reflections from Our Board and Acting President and CEO