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Resources For Nonprofits Facing Facility Challenges

As part of the Local and Emerging Opportunities program, the Heising-Simons Foundation has supported the development of resources for nonprofits facing facility challenges or growing out of their current workspaces. Below are some of these new resources that may be of interest to you—please also feel free to share this information with other nonprofits that may find it helpful.

Green Raiteros: Greening Transportation for Communities that Need It Most

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from transportation is critical to meet our goal to protect people from the worst impacts of climate change. Transportation is now the leading source of greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S., accounting for 28 percent of emissions in 2016. Growing transportation pollution also contributes to worsening air quality, leading to serious health problems like asthma and heart problems that hit low-income communities hardest.

Introducing Two New Members of the Education Team

I am thrilled to announce two new team members joining the Heising-Simons Foundation’s Education program!

Supporting Undocumented College Students and Their Families in California

Undocumented young people and their families are integral to the social, economic, and cultural fabric of California. The state is home to roughly 3 million undocumented residents, with an estimated 72,000 undocumented youth attending California’s public institutions of higher education. Today, the Heising-Simons Foundation is thrilled to be one of the inaugural funders of the California Campus Catalyst Fund (the Catalyst Fund), a three-year, $10 million initiative designed to expand and create programs in the higher education system to support undocumented students and their families.

Announcing Our New Education Strategy

For more than 10 years, the Heising-Simons Foundation has made grants that reflect our deep care for, and interest in, young children and their education. It’s a child’s early years of life that are especially formative and we, among many other champions of early childhood education, recognize that this is the time to lay the foundation for the future.

PropelNext: Strengthening Organizations Serving Youth in the San Francisco Bay Area

Many organizations serving youth continuously strive to become more effective in their work to transform lives. PropelNext, an initiative of the Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, provides knowledge, resources, and expertise to nonprofits in order to help them build more robust programs serving young people.

Introducing Our New Director of Human Rights

I’m delighted to announce that Angie Junck will join the Heising-Simons Foundation as our new, and first ever, director of Human Rights. Angie comes to us with expertise in immigration and criminal law and policy, as well as deep nonprofit experience, most recently serving as the supervising attorney and director of immigrant defense programs at the Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC), one of our grantee partners and an organization she has been with for more than 13 years.

The Foundation’s Updated Climate and Clean Energy Program Strategy

The devastating impacts of climate change have hit home recently. Powerful hurricanes ravaged Puerto Rico and parts of Texas and Florida last year. Wildfires rage across the Western U.S. And many parts of the world have been hit even harder. The Foundation recently refreshed its Climate and Clean Energy program strategy, recognizing the importance of efforts to prevent even worse climate change impacts in the future, and the urgency of curbing pollution and accelerating the transition to clean energy.

Supporting Clean Cars Rules to Drive Climate Mitigation, Electric Vehicles, and Fuel Savings

Last week, the federal government formally proposed to roll back the country’s clean car rules and limit states’ rights to address climate change and clean air—a move that would halt in its tracks the country’s first fuel economy improvements since the 1980s, forgo critical greenhouse gas reductions, and cost Americans nearly $17 billion in savings at the pump in 2025.