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Message Regarding Charlottesville

Dear Colleagues:

We are saddened, angered, and horrified by what transpired in Charlottesville this week, as we know all of you are, too. Hatred has no place in our society. The intimidation and violence that always accompany hatred have no place in our society. White nationalists and neo-Nazi groups, who embody hatred, have no place in our society. None of us can be silent, or we risk silence being interpreted as acquiescence.

We at the Foundation are moved by so many good people and organizations standing up to oppose hatred and to preserve the democracy that we hold dear.

With this in mind, we wanted to share with you announcements and messages from your colleagues — the many organizations we are proud to fund and to call partners. Read them as messages of hope, of determination, and of unity. You are not alone. The voices of equity, inclusion, empathy, and justice are mightier than those of hate and division.

Deanna Gomby
President and CEO

Messages From Some of our Grantee Partners

We invite other grantee partners to email us links to statements they wish to add to this list. Email us at:

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