News & Stories Liz Simons: “The Biggest Driver of Mass Incarceration? Maybe Mass Incarceration” Share By Heising-Simons Foundation on 6/29/2023 on 6/29/2023 “One of the biggest drivers of mass incarceration, for all genders, is mass incarceration itself,” writes Liz Simons, Heising-Simons Foundation’s Chair of the Board, in her article for the Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society (Stanford PACS). Her opinion piece explores the drivers of our country’s explosive rise in female incarceration, and the generational consequences for entire communities in the US. It also considers the vast mix of government and private interests that profit from the expansion and maintenance of the carceral system. “As a society we need to understand how we have come to be here. And start shutting down our carceral facilities that have caused so much suffering. And use the returns to do what countries that prioritize people’s needs are doing: investing in mental and physical health care, access to healthy food, affordable housing, education, childcare, clean water, and green spaces where children can play.” You may read the full piece at Stanford PACS’s website. Follow us on LinkedIn. Foundation News, Human Rights Close Share this page Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on LinkedIn Share on Email
Foundation Perspectives, Letters from the President 12/18/24 Year-End Reflections from Our Board and Acting President and CEO