News & Stories Hope on the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day Share By Nondas Paschos on 4/22/2020 on 4/22/2020 Mark Heising, vice chair of the Board of the Heising-Simons Foundation, is optimistic about tackling climate change. In a blog post authored for the Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society (PACS), he describes why: “We have the technologies needed to cut pollution and continue powering modern society — like electric cars, solar panels, batteries, and LED lighting — we just need to deploy them faster. And in many cases, the clean technology is now the cheapest option available. That means it is incumbent industries, outdated policies, and obsolete infrastructure standing in our way, not economics or technology. These are surmountable challenges.” Mark believes that philanthropy can help by supporting policy analysis, research, communications, and advocacy to advance climate and clean energy policies, and, when needed, litigation to oppose policies that would stall progress. As today marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, Mark urges us to “heed the call from our children and grandchildren. What greater gift could we give them than an opportunity to lead a safe and healthy life?” You can read Mark’s blog here. Climate and Clean Energy Close Share this page Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on LinkedIn Share on Email
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