News & Stories Grantee Partner Publications, May – June 2023 Share By Madeleine Perkins on 6/30/2023 on 6/30/2023 The Heising-Simons Foundation is proud to highlight publications by grantee partners. We encourage you to look through their inspiring work. Email us at [email protected] if you would like us to share any publications.Community Schools Learning Exchange (co-author)Don’t leave students with disabilities out of California’s massive community schools investmentDate of Publication: May 1, 2023Type of Publication: ArticleFoundation Program: Education–Attendance Works (in partnership with Future Ed)Attendance Playbook – Smart Strategies for Reducing Student Absenteeism Post-PandemicDate of Publication: May 8, 2023Type of Publication: ReportFoundation Program: Education–Melodie Kao (51 Pegasi b Fellow)Resolved imaging confirms a radiation belt around an ultracool dwarfDate of Publication: May 15, 2023Type of Publication: Peer-reviewed ArticleFoundation Program: Science–National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and MedicineClosing the Opportunity Gap for Young ChildrenDate of Publication: May 16, 2023Type of Publication: ReportFoundation Program: Education–National Institute for Early Education ResearchThe State of Preschool Yearbook 2022Date of Publication: May 18, 2023Type of Publication: ReportFoundation Program: Education–Immigrant Legal Resource Center and Detention Watch NetworkCarceral CarouselDate of Publication: May 23, 2023Type of Publication: ReportFoundation Program: Human Rights–Grantmakers for EducationTrends in Education Philanthropy: Benchmarking 2023Date of Publication: June 1, 2023Type of Publication: ReportFoundation Program: Education–Alliance for JusticeThe Project Grant Rule Resource HubDate of Publication: June 7, 2023Type of Publication: Web ResourceFoundation Program: Community and Opportunity–Stanford Center for Early ChildhoodParent Voices: A Storybook of Parent and Family Resilience from the RAPID SurveyDate of Publication: June 7 2023Type of Publication: ReportFoundation Program: Education–The Communications NetworkThe Basics of Good WritingDate of Publication: June 7, 2023Type of Publication: Webinar RecordingFoundation Program: Community and Opportunity–San Jose State University Human Rights Institute2023 Silicon Valley Pain IndexDate of Publication: June 12, 2023Type of Publication: ReportFoundation Program: Community and Opportunity–Science Friday2023 Digital Cephalopod Coloring BookDate of Publication: June 15, 2023Type of Publication: Virtual Coloring BookFoundation Program: Science–Fund for Guaranteed IncomeImplementing the Compton PledgeDate of Publication: June 16, 2023Type of Publication: ReportFoundation Program: Human Rights–Ella Baker Center for Human Rights (co-author)Hidden Hazards: The Impacts of Climate Change on Incarcerated People in California State PrisonsDate of Publication: June 22, 2023Type of Publication: ReportFoundation Program: Human Rights–San Jose Spotlight‘Not enough representation’: Silicon Valley Latinas struggle to enter tech industryDate of Publication: June 22, 2023Type of Publication: ArticleFoundation Program: Community and Opportunity–Movement for Family Power (co-author)Black Feminist Thought Grounds and Centers Us: A Reflection by Two Activists and Legal WorkersDate of Publication: June 26, 2023Type of Publication: Academic paperFoundation Program: Human Rights–Evident ChangeNational Caribbean American Heritage MonthDate of Publication: June 26, 2023Type of Publication: BlogFoundation Program: Human Rights–Parent Voices CAWe Won Child Care Family Fee Reform!Date of Publication: June 27, 2023Type of Publication: BlogFoundation Program: Education Foundation News Close Share this page Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on LinkedIn Share on Email
Foundation Perspectives, Letters from the President 12/18/24 Year-End Reflections from Our Board and Acting President and CEO