News & Stories Grantee Partner Events, July – August 2023 Share By Madeleine Perkins on 6/26/2023 on 6/26/2023 The Heising-Simons Foundation is proud to highlight events by grantee partners. Email us at [email protected] if you would like to feature any upcoming events.Virtual–Project SouthWhen Movements Rise, State Repression EscalatesJuly 6, 2023, 9am PTZoom WebinarFoundation Program: Human Rights–Illustrative MathematicsCultivating Brilliance through Grade-level InstructionJuly 11, 2023, 11:30am PTZoom WebinarFoundation Program: Education–Just Solutions CollaborativeDemystifying the Federal Funding LandscapeJuly 11, 2023, 11am PTZoom WebinarFoundation Program: Climate and Clean Energy–the 19th newsThe 19th Celebrates: Disability Pride MonthJuly 12, 2023, 1pm ETVirtualFoundation Focus: Journalism–GreenLatinosHot Times, Cooler Communities: Urban Heat Resilience on the FrontlinesJuly 12, 2023, 3pm ETZoomFoundation Program: Climate and Clean Energy–BLACK EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL HEALTH COLLECTIVE (BEAM)Heart Space: Supporting Black Children Living with Mental Health ConditionsJuly 18, 2023, 3pm-4:30pm PTZoom WebinarFoundation Program: Human Rights–The Communications NetworkInclusive Images for Social Sector CommunicationsJuly 19, 2023, 1pm ETZoom WebinarFoundation Program: Community and Opportunity–Interrupting criminalization#NoCopAcademy Virtual Screening + #StopCopCity DiscussionJuly 19, 2023, 3:30pm-5:30pm PTVirtualFoundation Program: Human Rights–Funders’ Collaborative on Youth OrganizingWe Make the Road by WalkingJuly 20, 2023, 2pm-4pm ETVirtualFoundation Program: Human Rights–Abriendo Puertas/Opening DoorsAP/OD Online Program Acquisition Institute – Presented in SpanishJuly 24, 2023 – August 4, 2023VirtualFoundation Program: Education–just solutions collaborativeEconomic Drivers of Climate Vulnerability and ResilienceJuly 27, 2023, 11am PTZoomFoundation Program: Climate and Clean Energy–yo! californiaRise and Thrive: Youth Summer Workshops in Wellness and ArtivismAugust 12, 2023, 11am PTOnlineFoundation Program: Community and Opportunity–BLACK EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL HEALTH COLLECTIVE (BEAM)Heart Space: The Community Check InAugust 15, 2023, 3pm-4:30pm PTOnlineFoundation Program: Human Rights–GreenlatinosA One Year Reflection: The IRA’s Impacts on Latino/a/e ComunidadesAugust 15, 2023, 11am PTOnlineFoundation Program: Climate and Clean Energy–Funders’ Collaborative on Youth OrganizingThe Path to PowerAugust 17, 2023, 2pm-4pm ETVirtualFoundation Program: Human Rights–illustrative mathematicsPacing for RigorAugust 17, 2023, 11:30am PTZoomFoundation Program: Education–the communications networkHow to Use Comedy for Social ChangeAugust 30, 2023, 1pm ETVirtualFoundation Program: Community and Opportunity–California–Sacred heart community serviceCommunity Potluck AsambleaJuly 15, 2023, 10am-1pmFoundation Program: Community and Opportunity–AACSAStorytime With Tiffany HaddishAugust 5, 2023, 10:30am-11:30amDr. Martin Luther King Jr. Library, Children’s Room, 1st Floor, 150 E. Fernando St., San Jose, CAFoundation Program: Community and Opportunity–Californians United for a Responsible BudgetFace-2-Face 2023August 5 – 6, 2023Chuco’s Justice Center, 7625 S. Central Ave, Los Angeles, CAFoundation Program: Human Rights–Fresno Barrios UnidosJotería Drag Brunch: Mix n’ LearnAugust 19, 2023, 11am-3pmFresno City College, 1101 East University Ave, Fresno, CAFoundation Program: Human Rights–Indian Health Center of Santa Clara ValleySan Jose Native Youth Empowerment GroupAugust 24, 2023, 6pm-7:30pm602 E. Santa Clara St., San Jose, CA Foundation Program: Community and Opportunity–gente organizadaFinding the Other Way: Brining Suicide to the Kitchen TableAugust 25, 2023, 6pm638 W. Holt Ave, Pomona, CAFoundation Program: Human Rights–Florida–Solar United NeighborsMiami-Dade 2023 Co-op Solar 101July 13, 2023, 6pm-7:30pmNorth Regional Library Auditorium, 2455 NW 183rd St., Miami Gardens, FLFoundation Program: Climate and Clean Energy–Georgia–Solutions Not Punishment CollaborativeExpunge Your Record ClinicAugust 5, 2023, 10am-3pmAtlanta City Hall, 5563 Trinity Ave SW, Atlanta, GAFoundation Program: Human Rights–women on the rise Back to School BashAugust 5, 2023, 11am-4pmOakland City Park, 1305 Oakland Lane SW, Atlanta, GAFoundation Program: Human Rights–Michigan–Detroit justice center5th Anniversary Celebration August 24, 2023, 6pm-9pm3434 Russel St Suite 501, Detroit, MIFoundation Program: Human Rights–New Mexico–greenlatinosGreenLatinos Community EncuentroJuly 24, 2023, 6pm-8pmEl Pinto Restaurant & Cantina, 10500 4th St NW, Albuquerque, NMFoundation Program: Climate and Clean Energy–New York–BLACK EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL HEALTH COLLECTIVE (BEAM)Black Mental Health & Healing Justice Peer Support Training – BrooklynJuly 27, 2023, 10am-2:30pmWeeksville Heritage Center 158 Buffalo Ave Brooklyn, NY Foundation Program: Human Rights–common justiceHealing Harlem Street FairJuly 27, 2023, 4pm-8pm301 East 108th Street New York, NYFoundation Program: Human Rights–North Carolina–AlternateROOTSROOTS Week 2023: On-Campus HousingAugust 8-13, 2023, 2pm ETLutheridge Camp & Conference Center, 2511 Hendersonville Rd, Arden, NCFoundation Program: Human Rights–Ohio–Solar United NeighborsMiami Valley Business and Non-Profit Co-Op Solar 101: Dayton ArcadeDayton Arcade: SOPEC Conference Space, 35 W 4th St, Dayton, OHAugust 30, 2023, 12pm-1pmFoundation Program: Climate and Clean Energy–Texas–Pure JusticeJUSTICE Film Focus GroupJuly 8, 2023, 10am-1pmEmancipation Park Cultural Center, 3018 Emancipation Ave, Houston, TXFoundation Program: Human Rights–Collective action for youthYouth Voices MixerJuly 27, 2023, 6pm-7:30pmThird Ward Multi Service Center, 3611 Ennis St, Houston, TX Foundation Program: Human Rights–Collective action for youthCareer Fair and Record Expungement ClinicJuly 29, 2023, 10am-3pmYET Center, 4900 Providence St, Houston, TXFoundation Program: Human Rights–act 4 saACT 4 SA’s 2nd Bday FundraiserJuly 29, 2023, 3pm-6pmBlack Potion, 1900 Fredericksburg Rd Suite 101, San Antonio, TXFoundation Program: Human Rights–youth rise texasPaint PartyAugust 12, 2023, 10am-7pmEmail YRTX for address Foundation Program: Human Rights–Washington D.C.–National Academies of Sciences Engineering and MedicineClimate Crossroads Summit 2023July 11-12, 2023National Academy of Sciences Building, 2101 Constitution Ave NW, Washington DCFoundation Program: Science–UnboundEdStandards InstituteJuly 17-21, 2023, 8:30am-5:30pmMarriott Marquis Washington DC,901 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington D.C.Foundation Program: Education Foundation News Close Share this page Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on LinkedIn Share on Email
Foundation Perspectives, Letters from the President 12/18/24 Year-End Reflections from Our Board and Acting President and CEO