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Empowering the Astronomical Community: Heising-Simons Foundation Awards $2 Million to Las Cumbres Observatory

"This is the golden era of time-domain and multi-messenger astronomy. LCO’s network of telescopes is a unique and valuable resource for this kind of science, and we are delighted to support open access to the observatory so that more astronomers can leverage its powerful capabilities."

The Heising-Simons Foundation has awarded a $2 million grant to Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO) to provide the astronomical community access to LCO’s unique network of robotic telescopes for the next four years.

LCO’s globally distributed network is unparalleled in its capabilities for time-domain astronomy. The network consists of 25 telescopes located at seven different professional observatory sites worldwide. The network operates around the clock as a single, integrated observatory: as the Earth rotates, LCO scheduling software activates different telescopes. Observations are always in progress and data are always being collected.

Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO). 2m and 1m enclosures at Siding Spring node.

These unique capabilities are key to performing follow-up observations of discoveries by current astronomical surveys as well as the Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), a planned 10-year survey of the Southern Hemisphere sky conducted by a new astronomical facility located in Cerro Pachón, Chile. Providing open access to the LCO network for all astronomers, regardless of institution, at a time when the field of time-domain astronomy is blossoming, not only benefits the scientific community, but also strengthens the impact of LSST by allowing a greater breadth of ideas to come to fruition.

To learn more about the announcement, please visit the Las Cumbres Observatory’s website.

The Foundation’s Science program has awarded over $6.5 million in grants to LCO since 2017, including a $900,000 award that provided astronomers with the opportunity to kickstart research programs in anticipation of LSST’s launch. Our grants to LCO align with the goal of the Foundation’s astronomy and cosmology grantmaking to enhance and accelerate new scientific discoveries that illuminate a basic understanding of the universe and its celestial objects and processes.

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