Making Headlines: Grantees in the News, November 2018 Share By Heising-Simons Foundation on 12/14/2018 on 12/14/2018 The Heising-Simons Foundation is proud to regularly see its grantee partners featured in media outlets across the country, providing an expert voice on a timely issue or being highlighted for their accomplishments and hard work. Here are some news items that have featured our grantees in November 2018.
Letter from the President: November 2018 Share By Heising-Simons Foundation on 11/16/2018 on 11/16/2018 I look out my office window at a patch of green park, where a flag hangs mournfully at half-mast. I think it’s for Thousand Oaks. Or Pittsburgh. Or maybe the one before that. How sad that we are becoming inured to massacres.
Making Headlines: Grantees in the News, October 2018 Share By Heising-Simons Foundation on 11/8/2018 on 11/8/2018 The Heising-Simons Foundation is proud to regularly see its grantee partners featured in media outlets across the country, providing an expert voice on a timely issue or being highlighted for their accomplishments and hard work. Here are some news items that have featured our grantees in October 2018.
Making Headlines: Grantees in the News, September 2018 Share By Heising-Simons Foundation on 10/17/2018 on 10/17/2018 The Heising-Simons Foundation is proud to regularly see its grantee partners featured in media outlets across the country, providing an expert voice on a timely issue or being highlighted for their accomplishments and hard work. Here are some news items that have featured our grantees in September 2018.
Making Headlines: Grantees in the News, August 2018 Share By Heising-Simons Foundation on 9/11/2018 on 9/11/2018 The Heising-Simons Foundation is proud to regularly see its grantee partners featured in media outlets across the country, providing an expert voice on a timely issue or being highlighted for their accomplishments and hard work. Here are some news items that have featured our grantees in August 2018.
Making Headlines: Grantees in the News, July 2018 Share By Heising-Simons Foundation on 8/14/2018 on 8/14/2018 The Heising-Simons Foundation is proud to regularly see its grantee partners featured in media outlets across the country, providing an expert voice on a timely issue or being highlighted for their accomplishments and hard work. Here are some news items that have featured our grantees in July 2018. The Earth Machine Science Magazine, July 26, …
Making Headlines: Grantees in the News Share By Heising-Simons Foundation on 7/11/2018 on 7/11/2018 The Heising-Simons Foundation is proud to regularly see its grantee partners featured in media outlets across the country, providing an expert voice on a timely issue or being highlighted for their accomplishments and hard work. Here are some news items that have featured our grantees over the past month.
Making Headlines: Grantees in the News Share By Heising-Simons Foundation on 6/7/2018 on 6/7/2018 The Heising-Simons Foundation is proud to regularly see its grantee partners featured in media outlets across the country, providing an expert voice on a timely issue or being highlighted for their accomplishments and hard work. Here are some news items that have featured our grantees over the past month.
Letter from the President: May 2018 Share By Heising-Simons Foundation on 5/14/2018 on 5/14/2018 For a Foundation with as many interests as ours—science, early childhood education, human rights, climate and clean energy—there are few times when a single event reaches across to touch almost all of our issue areas. But in 2020, that rare moment will come in the form of the next U.S. Census.