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Making Headlines: Grantees in the News, March 2020

The Heising-Simons Foundation is proud to regularly see its grantee partners featured in media outlets across the country, providing an expert voice on a timely issue or being highlighted for their accomplishments and hard work. Here are some news items that have featured our grantees in March 2020.

Making Headlines: Grantees in the News, February 2020

The Heising-Simons Foundation is proud to regularly see its grantee partners featured in media outlets across the country, providing an expert voice on a timely issue or being highlighted for their accomplishments and hard work. Here are some news items that have featured our grantees in February 2020.

Responding to COVID-19

Like many others, we take very seriously the concerns around the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). To do our part to reduce the threat and spread of the virus, we have asked all of our employees to telecommute temporarily, and we will conduct all meetings via phone or video conference, rather than have our staff or visitors come to our offices or travel to other locations.

How to Tell Matter From Antimatter — Minute Physics Video

In our universe, fundamental processes involving electromagnetism, gravity, and nuclear force do not distinguish between left and right. It’s led to something called The Ozma Problem, a problem of how to convey left from right if we were ever to communicate with life on another planet.

Making Headlines: Grantees in the News, January 2020

The Heising-Simons Foundation is proud to regularly see its grantee partners featured in media outlets across the country, providing an expert voice on a timely issue or being highlighted for their accomplishments and hard work. Here are some news items that have featured our grantees in January 2020.

Mark Heising to Become New Chair of Environmental Defense Fund

Heising-Simons Foundation co-founder and board member Mark Heising was recently named Chairman-elect of the Board of Environmental Defense Fund (EDF). Mr. Heising, an EDF Board member since 2011, will become the Board Chair in January 2021.

Grants Approved in the Fourth Quarter of 2019

At the Heising-Simons Foundation, we are proud of the grants and partnerships we develop to advance the issues we care about, and we believe in being transparent about our grantmaking with our partners and the public.

Making Headlines: Grantees in the News, December 2019

The Heising-Simons Foundation is proud to regularly see its grantee partners featured in media outlets across the country, providing an expert voice on a timely issue or being highlighted for their accomplishments and hard work. Here are some news items that have featured our grantees in December 2019.

Making Headlines: Grantees in the News, November 2019

The Heising-Simons Foundation is proud to regularly see its grantee partners featured in media outlets across the country, providing an expert voice on a timely issue or being highlighted for their accomplishments and hard work. Here are some news items that have featured our grantees in November 2019.