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Category: Education

DREME Launches Free Math Resources for Teacher Educators

The Development and Research in Early Math Education (DREME) Network has launched DREME TE, a new website with free early math resources for teacher educators. In a blog post, DREME member and UCLA professor Megan Franke explains that, “DREME TE is designed to be flexible and easy to use. Appropriate for both prospective and practicing …

2016 State of Preschool Yearbook Released

Student enrollment in state-funded preschool programs has reached an all-time high, according to the 2016 State of Preschool Yearbook published by the National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER). However, access to high-quality programs still varies significantly from state to state.

The Impact of Transitional Kindergarten on English Learner Students

A new study released last week by the American Institutes for Research (AIR) reveals that English learner students who attend California’s transitional kindergarten program enter kindergarten with stronger English language, mathematics, and literacy skills than English learners who do not. The report, Transitional Kindergarten in California: The Impact of Transitional Kindergarten on English Learner Students, is the …

Introducing Our New Director of Education

I’m delighted to announce that Barbara Chow will join the Heising-Simons Foundation as our new Director of Education. Barbara has deep experience in philanthropy, government, and policy, most recently serving for eight years as the Education Program Director for the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. We could not be more pleased to have Barbara, an insightful …

New Consensus Study Assesses the Long-term Effects of Pre-K Education

This week, Education grantee Brookings Institution hosted leading pre-K researchers who presented six consensus statements about the effects of pre-K education, with the goal of informing further research in this area. The consensus statements are part of a report, “The Current State of Scientific Knowledge on Pre-Kindergarten Effects,” that includes the role of curriculum, challenges …

A Commitment to Advance STEM Education

The Foundation’s Education program officer Kimberly Brenneman, who focuses on early math, joined a list of more than 100 leaders who have signed an open letter publicly supporting strong science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) teachers and STEM education for all children in America. The letter is part of a nonpartisan national effort known as 100Kin10 that emerged in 2011 …

Grantee’s “Early Childhood Workforce Index” Highlighted on CBS This Morning

CBS This Morning recently ran a short segment highlighting the need for adequate compensation for the early childhood education workforce, citing evidence from The Early Childhood Workforce Index, a report created by the Center for the Study of Child Care Employment (CSCCE) at UC Berkley and supported by the Heising-Simons Foundation’s Education program. The Early Childhood …

Guest Post: Making Math Count More for Latino Children

If demographics are destiny, my family was headed for educational failure. All the signs pointed to struggle. Low-income? Check. Parents without education beyond high school? Check. A primary language other than English? Check. And parents who didn’t read to their children? Check.

Seven Tips for Integrating Mathematical Thinking into Family Engagement Programs

The nonpartisan research organization Mathematica Policy Research recently developed an issue brief documenting the ways in which five family engagement organizations developed and tested integrating math into their programs.