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Category: Education

Barbara Chow Co-Authors Article About Funder Collaborations

Why do some funder collaborations flourish, and others flounder? That’s the key question behind, “Funder Collaborations – Flourish or Flounder?” The article, co-written by Barbara Chow, director of the Foundation’s Education program, is featured in the latest issue of The Foundation Review, a peer-reviewed journal of philanthropy. As the article mentions, “Funder collaborations work best …

Tulsa’s Pre-K Students Show Positive Academic Outcomes Through Middle School

A new report released by Georgetown University shows that students in Tulsa, Oklahoma, who attended a high-quality pre-kindergarten (Pre-K) program displayed positive academic effects that persisted through middle school. Specifically, the group of students who had attended pre-K showed higher math test scores, more enrollment in honors courses, and less grade retention. The study detailed …

An Advocacy Framework for Young Dual-Language Learners in California

Young dual-language learners represent 60 percent of the 0-5 population in California, and most of the state’s English learners can be found in the early elementary grades.To help advance advocacy on behalf of young dual-language learners in California, the Heising-Simons Foundation has helped launch California’s Gold: Capitalizing on California’s Diversity Today, for a Brighter Tomorrow, an advocacy framework and resource website authored by Dr. Marlene Zepeda and written after extensive consultation with the early childhood education field.

Introducing Two New Members of the Education Team

I am so pleased to announce the addition of two new members to the Foundation’s Education team: Kendra Rogers, program officer, and Sarah Lerner, program associate.

Interactive Data Tool: 10 Characteristics of Preschool-Age Children

With support from the Heising-Simons Foundation’s Education program, Urban Institute has developed an interactive tool that shows national, state, and local characteristics of 3- to 5-year-olds, including whether the children are enrolled in preschool, whether their families are low income, or whether their parents are immigrants. With key data points on immigration status, language spoken at home, and parental English proficiency, this tool paints a more dynamic picture of the linguistic and cultural diversity of the preschool-age population.

Tips and Resources From the Family Engagement Impact Project

This summer marks the conclusion of the Family Engagement Impact Project (FEIP), an investment by the Heising-Simons Foundation’s Education program totaling more than $3 million to better coordinate family engagement efforts across organizations. The project supported multiple collaborations between school districts, community organizations, and early childhood providers. Through this investment, FEIP sought to improve some of the ways communities, professionals, and parents engage in children’s learning, and to promote positive educational outcomes for low-income immigrant children from birth through age 8.

Guest Post: An Unprecedented Look at Early Childhood Home Visiting

The 2017 Home Visiting Yearbook presents, for the first time, the most comprehensive picture available of home visiting on the national and state levels.

Attendance Matters: Q&A with Dr. Todd Rogers

Dr. Todd Rogers is a behavioral scientist who leads The Student Social Support Research and Development Lab (S3 R&D Lab) at Harvard University. S3 R&D Lab develops and scales up interventions that mobilize and empower students’ social support systems to improve achievement. Recently, S3 R&D Lab led the Attendance Matters Project, a study aimed at reducing student absenteeism …

The Effects of Transitional Kindergarten on California’s Students

Students who attend California’s transitional kindergarten (TK) program enter kindergarten with stronger math and literacy skills than students who did not attend TK, according to a new study released today by grantee American Institutes for Research (AIR).