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Barbara Chow Co-Authors Article About Funder Collaborations

Why do some funder collaborations flourish, and others flounder?

That’s the key question behind, “Funder Collaborations – Flourish or Flounder?” The article, co-written by Barbara Chow, director of the Foundation’s Education program, is featured in the latest issue of The Foundation Review, a peer-reviewed journal of philanthropy.

As the article mentions, “Funder collaborations work best when participants recognize key milestones in a partnership and make decisions at each of these stages to set up success: defining the problem and agreeing on clear goals and strategies that leverage the unique value of collaboration; taking action aligned to shared objectives through nimble decision-making, defined lines of authority, and strong support and expertise; and setting criteria for success that allow participants to know what they are accomplishing, honestly assess their progress along the way, and determine the right next steps.”

We invite you to read the full article here.
