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Author: Nondas Paschos

Heising-Simons Foundation Joins Philanthropic Funders in Response to Supreme Court’s Decision on Affirmative Action

The Heising-Simons Foundation signed the following statement by funders and philanthropic organizations in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s rulings in Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina and Students for Fair Admissions v. President and Fellows of Harvard College.

Grantee Partner Publications, May – June 2023

The Heising-Simons Foundation is proud to highlight publications by grantee partners. We encourage you to look through their inspiring work. Email us at [email protected] if you would like us to share any publications. Community Schools Learning Exchange (co-author) Don’t leave students with disabilities out of California’s massive community schools investment Date of Publication: May 1, …

Liz Simons: “The Biggest Driver of Mass Incarceration? Maybe Mass Incarceration”

“One of the biggest drivers of mass incarceration, for all genders, is mass incarceration itself,” writes Liz Simons, Heising-Simons Foundation’s Chair of the Board, in her article for the Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society (Stanford PACS).

How Dr. Joy Buolamwini is Working Towards Equitable and Accountable Technology

Several years ago, while still a graduate student at MIT’s Media Lab, Joy Buolamwini began to notice a troubling pattern in facial recognition technology––an inability to detect a wide range of skin tones and facial structures, even in widely available systems employed by Big Tech, government agencies, and law enforcement.

51 Pegasi b Fellow Discovers First Extrasolar Radiation Belt: Q&A with Dr. Melodie Kao

A team of scientists led by Dr. Melodie Kao, a 51 Pegasi b postdoctoral fellow based at the University of California, Santa Cruz, has discovered the first extra-solar radiation belt, a zone of energetic charged particles that are captured by and held around a planet by that planet’s magnetosphere. See below for a Q&A with …

Letter from the President and CEO — Spring 2023

The Greenland ice sheet extends more than 600,000 square miles, covering most of the country. It is about four times the size of California and it is melting. The loss from the ice sheet is responsible for a significant percentage of today’s sea level rise.

New Report: Grantee NASEM on Closing the Opportunity Gap for Young Children

When it comes to investing in equitable education opportunities for young children, factors related to the opportunity gap cannot be overlooked. For young children, some of these structural and institutional forces that maintain and exacerbate inequality include poverty, food insecurity, exposure to violence, inadequate access to health care, well-funded quality schools, and mental health care.

Solving the Astrophysical N-body Problem More Efficiently

A new algorithm developed by a grantee of the Foundation’s Science program has the potential to trace the evolution of large astrophysical systems, such as galaxies, planetary systems, or clusters of stars.

Communicating with Multilingual Populations: New Language Access Toolkit for Nonprofits

How does your organization ensure that individuals and communities with limited English proficiency have the same level of engagement with your organization’s work as those who speak English as their primary language?