A New Form of Matter? PROSPECT-ing for Sterile Neutrinos Share By Heising-Simons Foundation on 5/23/2018 on 5/23/2018 The Precision Reactor Oscillation and Spectrum Experiment (PROSPECT) has completed the installation of a novel detector that will probe the possible existence of a new form of matter.
Letter from the President: May 2018 Share By Heising-Simons Foundation on 5/14/2018 on 5/14/2018 For a Foundation with as many interests as ours—science, early childhood education, human rights, climate and clean energy—there are few times when a single event reaches across to touch almost all of our issue areas. But in 2020, that rare moment will come in the form of the next U.S. Census.
Making Headlines: Grantees in the News Share By Heising-Simons Foundation on 5/8/2018 on 5/8/2018 The Heising-Simons Foundation is proud to regularly see its grantee partners featured in media outlets across the country, providing an expert voice on a timely issue or being highlighted for their accomplishments and hard work. Here are some news items that have featured our grantees over the past month.
Equal Justice Initiative’s New Memorial Featured on “60 Minutes” Share By Heising-Simons Foundation on 5/8/2018 on 5/8/2018 On April 26, 2018, the Equal Justice Initiative (EJI) will open the United States’ first memorial dedicated to the thousands of African-Americans lynched over a seven-decade period following the Civil War, and a new museum dedicated to slavery and its legacy today. EJI is supported by the Foundation’s Human Rights program.
2017 Grantmaking At A Glance: An Interactive Infographic Share By Heising-Simons Foundation on 5/3/2018 on 5/3/2018 The Heising-Simons Foundation continues to grow. In 2017, the Foundation awarded more than $75 million across its programs in education, science, climate and clean energy, human rights, and local and emerging opportunities. To learn more about the Foundation’s grantmaking totals for 2017, as well as grants per program, we invite you to explore our Year At A Glance interactive infographic page. Once you’re on that page, you’ll also be able to access data from 2016 and 2015.
Promoting Family Math to Help Close the Achievement Gap Share By Heising-Simons Foundation on 5/2/2018 on 5/2/2018 Earlier this week, education news site The 74 featured an opinion piece co-authored by Kimberly Brenneman, program officer for the Foundation’s Education program. The piece outlines the importance and potential upside of empowering families and communities to fulfill their critical role in the math education of our youngest learners.
Axion Dark Matter Experiment Announces Breakthrough Share By Heising-Simons Foundation on 4/30/2018 on 4/30/2018 Last month, the Axion Dark Matter Experiment (ADMX) announced that it has achieved the necessary sensitivity to sense dark matter axions – theoretically predicted particles that might constitute the missing matter in the universe. The breakthrough, detailed in the peer-reviewed journal Physical Review Letters, makes ADMX the only experiment ever built to attain such precision.
2017 “State of Preschool” Report Released Share By Heising-Simons Foundation on 4/25/2018 on 4/25/2018 Which states invest best in their young children, and which pre-K programs have proven most beneficial to help children close the gap with their more advantaged peers? That’s the question the National Institute for Early Education Research’s (NIEER) State of Preschool yearbook aims to answer each year.
Barbara Chow Authors Paper on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Philanthropy Share By Heising-Simons Foundation on 4/17/2018 on 4/17/2018 “The journey toward greater diversity and inclusion is not linear,” says Barbara Chow in a new paper titled, “From Words to Action: A Practical Philanthropic Guide to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.”