News & Stories A Statement of Solidarity Share By Heising-Simons Foundation on 6/1/2020 on 6/1/2020 We stand with the tens of thousands of people marching for justice for George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, and for all who have been killed by police and individuals simply for being Black. We stand with mothers and fathers forced to mourn for their babies, and sons and daughters who will never see their parents again. We stand together to call “Enough!” Structural racism pervades this country and its policies and practices. We condemn all forms of white supremacy, racism, and police brutality. These murders are just the latest in a long history of violence perpetrated by this country on Black people. Yet, in this moment of deep pain, we can also see power. And so we stand with our grantee partners, working tirelessly on this issue. We see their power, centering Black leadership and Black-led organizing as a tool for challenging racist policing practices and systems of incarceration and surveillance. They are fighting for safety by shifting the paradigm from policing and a culture of punishment to investing in communities through housing, health care, and education. They are addressing the culture of anti-Blackness that pervades our society. We see power in protest and the opening of a moment for people across this country, from individuals to philanthropic institutions like ours, to commit to resourcing the fight against violence and hate. To see an end to systemic racism, we understand that we must commit for the long term to support groups fighting injustice. We will be here, fighting alongside. Black Lives Matter. Liz Simons, Chair of the Board Mark Heising, Vice Chair of the Board Caitlin Heising, Vice Chair of the Board Deanna Gomby, President & CEO Close Share this page Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on LinkedIn Share on Email
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