University of Denver to develop resources for software that supports the professional development of early childhood educators in mathematics Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $577,680 Year Granted 2015 Acadia Center for interventions in key proceedings, strategic analysis, and outreach and engagement to secure clean energy resource deployment in New York Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for First Focus Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2015 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to fund activities during Phase 1 of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr), a search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and dark photons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $264,098 Year Granted 2015 CuriOdyssey for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Children Now for policy analysis and public education around the need for more and better-directed funding for early childhood programs and services in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,000 Year Granted 2015 Start Early over three years to support the planning and execution of an annual two-day National Home Visiting Summit in 2016-2018 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2015 Cerritos College Foundation to develop and implement a model teacher preparation program for early mathematics education. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $191,510 Year Granted 2015 Council on Foundations Inc. for membership dues in the Council on Foundations, Inc. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,800 Year Granted 2015 University of Chicago to fund the University of Chicago to develop high frequency, large volume, low loss resonant structures for use in future axion dark matter experiments Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $138,619 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support geological research on the Deccan Traps flood basalts of India Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $172,500 Year Granted 2015 Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums for general support for the Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 The Pennsylvania State University to support the development of a comprehensive proxy-focused model of how marine sediment cores accumulate and change over millennial time scales to form the observed geological record Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $326,444 Year Granted 2015 Urban Institute for the creation of an interactive database and mapping tool on the characteristics of immigrant children’s preschool participation patterns and for a qualitative study exploring outreach strategies for immigrant families with preschool-aged children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2015 Southwest Energy Efficiency Project LLC for (1) utility energy efficiency advisory and advocacy work; and (2) work to use energy efficiency to comply with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the Center for the Study of Child Care Employment to support organizational capacity-building and policy-oriented research on the development, compensation, and financing of the early childhood workforce Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the development of a new undergraduate minor to be offered by the School of Journalism during Summer Session Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Foothill - De Anza Community Colleges Foundation for the Family Engagement Institute at Foothill College, including Stretch to Kindergarten Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $530,000 Year Granted 2015 Advanced Energy Institute to 1) accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector; and 2) defend the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan on behalf of the clean energy industry Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Community Initiatives for Early Edge California to support effective implementation of transitional kindergarten and to increase awareness of the importance of early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Boston University to fund Boston University’s activities during Phase 1 of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr), a search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and dark photons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $408,766 Year Granted 2015 Institute for Local Government to convene and provide technical assistance in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties around meeting the unique needs of undocumented communities, including with respect to administrative relief from deportation Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $45,000 Year Granted 2015 Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation to support the 2015 California STEM Symposium Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Start Early for policy and advocacy work of the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2015 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to evaluate an early math text-messaging program for parents of preschoolers at three Bay Area sites Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $123,700 Year Granted 2015 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Reach Out and Read Inc to expand and field test a program that integrates support for early mathematics into a medical-provider-based early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,000 Year Granted 2015 National Center for Family Philanthropy Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support for San Francisco Ballet Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Child Trends Incorporated to develop a statistical portrait of Latino children’s early math and social-emotional skills, identify the factors that promote these skills, and communicate this knowledge to audiences who can use it to improve outcomes for Latino children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $90,000 Year Granted 2015 Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Acadia Center for interventions in key proceedings, strategic analysis, and outreach and engagement to secure clean energy resource deployment in New York Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for First Focus Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2015 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to fund activities during Phase 1 of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr), a search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and dark photons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $264,098 Year Granted 2015 CuriOdyssey for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Children Now for policy analysis and public education around the need for more and better-directed funding for early childhood programs and services in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,000 Year Granted 2015 Start Early over three years to support the planning and execution of an annual two-day National Home Visiting Summit in 2016-2018 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2015 Cerritos College Foundation to develop and implement a model teacher preparation program for early mathematics education. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $191,510 Year Granted 2015 Council on Foundations Inc. for membership dues in the Council on Foundations, Inc. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,800 Year Granted 2015 University of Chicago to fund the University of Chicago to develop high frequency, large volume, low loss resonant structures for use in future axion dark matter experiments Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $138,619 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support geological research on the Deccan Traps flood basalts of India Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $172,500 Year Granted 2015 Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums for general support for the Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 The Pennsylvania State University to support the development of a comprehensive proxy-focused model of how marine sediment cores accumulate and change over millennial time scales to form the observed geological record Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $326,444 Year Granted 2015 Urban Institute for the creation of an interactive database and mapping tool on the characteristics of immigrant children’s preschool participation patterns and for a qualitative study exploring outreach strategies for immigrant families with preschool-aged children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2015 Southwest Energy Efficiency Project LLC for (1) utility energy efficiency advisory and advocacy work; and (2) work to use energy efficiency to comply with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the Center for the Study of Child Care Employment to support organizational capacity-building and policy-oriented research on the development, compensation, and financing of the early childhood workforce Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the development of a new undergraduate minor to be offered by the School of Journalism during Summer Session Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Foothill - De Anza Community Colleges Foundation for the Family Engagement Institute at Foothill College, including Stretch to Kindergarten Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $530,000 Year Granted 2015 Advanced Energy Institute to 1) accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector; and 2) defend the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan on behalf of the clean energy industry Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Community Initiatives for Early Edge California to support effective implementation of transitional kindergarten and to increase awareness of the importance of early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Boston University to fund Boston University’s activities during Phase 1 of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr), a search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and dark photons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $408,766 Year Granted 2015 Institute for Local Government to convene and provide technical assistance in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties around meeting the unique needs of undocumented communities, including with respect to administrative relief from deportation Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $45,000 Year Granted 2015 Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation to support the 2015 California STEM Symposium Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Start Early for policy and advocacy work of the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2015 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to evaluate an early math text-messaging program for parents of preschoolers at three Bay Area sites Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $123,700 Year Granted 2015 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Reach Out and Read Inc to expand and field test a program that integrates support for early mathematics into a medical-provider-based early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,000 Year Granted 2015 National Center for Family Philanthropy Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support for San Francisco Ballet Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Child Trends Incorporated to develop a statistical portrait of Latino children’s early math and social-emotional skills, identify the factors that promote these skills, and communicate this knowledge to audiences who can use it to improve outcomes for Latino children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $90,000 Year Granted 2015 Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for First Focus Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $50,000 Year Granted 2015 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to fund activities during Phase 1 of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr), a search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and dark photons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $264,098 Year Granted 2015 CuriOdyssey for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Children Now for policy analysis and public education around the need for more and better-directed funding for early childhood programs and services in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,000 Year Granted 2015 Start Early over three years to support the planning and execution of an annual two-day National Home Visiting Summit in 2016-2018 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2015 Cerritos College Foundation to develop and implement a model teacher preparation program for early mathematics education. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $191,510 Year Granted 2015 Council on Foundations Inc. for membership dues in the Council on Foundations, Inc. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,800 Year Granted 2015 University of Chicago to fund the University of Chicago to develop high frequency, large volume, low loss resonant structures for use in future axion dark matter experiments Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $138,619 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support geological research on the Deccan Traps flood basalts of India Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $172,500 Year Granted 2015 Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums for general support for the Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 The Pennsylvania State University to support the development of a comprehensive proxy-focused model of how marine sediment cores accumulate and change over millennial time scales to form the observed geological record Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $326,444 Year Granted 2015 Urban Institute for the creation of an interactive database and mapping tool on the characteristics of immigrant children’s preschool participation patterns and for a qualitative study exploring outreach strategies for immigrant families with preschool-aged children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2015 Southwest Energy Efficiency Project LLC for (1) utility energy efficiency advisory and advocacy work; and (2) work to use energy efficiency to comply with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the Center for the Study of Child Care Employment to support organizational capacity-building and policy-oriented research on the development, compensation, and financing of the early childhood workforce Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the development of a new undergraduate minor to be offered by the School of Journalism during Summer Session Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Foothill - De Anza Community Colleges Foundation for the Family Engagement Institute at Foothill College, including Stretch to Kindergarten Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $530,000 Year Granted 2015 Advanced Energy Institute to 1) accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector; and 2) defend the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan on behalf of the clean energy industry Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Community Initiatives for Early Edge California to support effective implementation of transitional kindergarten and to increase awareness of the importance of early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Boston University to fund Boston University’s activities during Phase 1 of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr), a search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and dark photons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $408,766 Year Granted 2015 Institute for Local Government to convene and provide technical assistance in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties around meeting the unique needs of undocumented communities, including with respect to administrative relief from deportation Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $45,000 Year Granted 2015 Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation to support the 2015 California STEM Symposium Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Start Early for policy and advocacy work of the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2015 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to evaluate an early math text-messaging program for parents of preschoolers at three Bay Area sites Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $123,700 Year Granted 2015 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Reach Out and Read Inc to expand and field test a program that integrates support for early mathematics into a medical-provider-based early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,000 Year Granted 2015 National Center for Family Philanthropy Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support for San Francisco Ballet Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Child Trends Incorporated to develop a statistical portrait of Latino children’s early math and social-emotional skills, identify the factors that promote these skills, and communicate this knowledge to audiences who can use it to improve outcomes for Latino children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $90,000 Year Granted 2015 Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to fund activities during Phase 1 of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr), a search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and dark photons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $264,098 Year Granted 2015 CuriOdyssey for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Children Now for policy analysis and public education around the need for more and better-directed funding for early childhood programs and services in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,000 Year Granted 2015 Start Early over three years to support the planning and execution of an annual two-day National Home Visiting Summit in 2016-2018 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2015 Cerritos College Foundation to develop and implement a model teacher preparation program for early mathematics education. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $191,510 Year Granted 2015 Council on Foundations Inc. for membership dues in the Council on Foundations, Inc. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,800 Year Granted 2015 University of Chicago to fund the University of Chicago to develop high frequency, large volume, low loss resonant structures for use in future axion dark matter experiments Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $138,619 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support geological research on the Deccan Traps flood basalts of India Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $172,500 Year Granted 2015 Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums for general support for the Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 The Pennsylvania State University to support the development of a comprehensive proxy-focused model of how marine sediment cores accumulate and change over millennial time scales to form the observed geological record Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $326,444 Year Granted 2015 Urban Institute for the creation of an interactive database and mapping tool on the characteristics of immigrant children’s preschool participation patterns and for a qualitative study exploring outreach strategies for immigrant families with preschool-aged children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2015 Southwest Energy Efficiency Project LLC for (1) utility energy efficiency advisory and advocacy work; and (2) work to use energy efficiency to comply with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the Center for the Study of Child Care Employment to support organizational capacity-building and policy-oriented research on the development, compensation, and financing of the early childhood workforce Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the development of a new undergraduate minor to be offered by the School of Journalism during Summer Session Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Foothill - De Anza Community Colleges Foundation for the Family Engagement Institute at Foothill College, including Stretch to Kindergarten Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $530,000 Year Granted 2015 Advanced Energy Institute to 1) accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector; and 2) defend the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan on behalf of the clean energy industry Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Community Initiatives for Early Edge California to support effective implementation of transitional kindergarten and to increase awareness of the importance of early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Boston University to fund Boston University’s activities during Phase 1 of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr), a search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and dark photons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $408,766 Year Granted 2015 Institute for Local Government to convene and provide technical assistance in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties around meeting the unique needs of undocumented communities, including with respect to administrative relief from deportation Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $45,000 Year Granted 2015 Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation to support the 2015 California STEM Symposium Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Start Early for policy and advocacy work of the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2015 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to evaluate an early math text-messaging program for parents of preschoolers at three Bay Area sites Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $123,700 Year Granted 2015 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Reach Out and Read Inc to expand and field test a program that integrates support for early mathematics into a medical-provider-based early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,000 Year Granted 2015 National Center for Family Philanthropy Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support for San Francisco Ballet Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Child Trends Incorporated to develop a statistical portrait of Latino children’s early math and social-emotional skills, identify the factors that promote these skills, and communicate this knowledge to audiences who can use it to improve outcomes for Latino children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $90,000 Year Granted 2015 Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
CuriOdyssey for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Children Now for policy analysis and public education around the need for more and better-directed funding for early childhood programs and services in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,000 Year Granted 2015 Start Early over three years to support the planning and execution of an annual two-day National Home Visiting Summit in 2016-2018 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2015 Cerritos College Foundation to develop and implement a model teacher preparation program for early mathematics education. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $191,510 Year Granted 2015 Council on Foundations Inc. for membership dues in the Council on Foundations, Inc. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,800 Year Granted 2015 University of Chicago to fund the University of Chicago to develop high frequency, large volume, low loss resonant structures for use in future axion dark matter experiments Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $138,619 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support geological research on the Deccan Traps flood basalts of India Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $172,500 Year Granted 2015 Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums for general support for the Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 The Pennsylvania State University to support the development of a comprehensive proxy-focused model of how marine sediment cores accumulate and change over millennial time scales to form the observed geological record Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $326,444 Year Granted 2015 Urban Institute for the creation of an interactive database and mapping tool on the characteristics of immigrant children’s preschool participation patterns and for a qualitative study exploring outreach strategies for immigrant families with preschool-aged children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2015 Southwest Energy Efficiency Project LLC for (1) utility energy efficiency advisory and advocacy work; and (2) work to use energy efficiency to comply with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the Center for the Study of Child Care Employment to support organizational capacity-building and policy-oriented research on the development, compensation, and financing of the early childhood workforce Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the development of a new undergraduate minor to be offered by the School of Journalism during Summer Session Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Foothill - De Anza Community Colleges Foundation for the Family Engagement Institute at Foothill College, including Stretch to Kindergarten Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $530,000 Year Granted 2015 Advanced Energy Institute to 1) accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector; and 2) defend the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan on behalf of the clean energy industry Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Community Initiatives for Early Edge California to support effective implementation of transitional kindergarten and to increase awareness of the importance of early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Boston University to fund Boston University’s activities during Phase 1 of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr), a search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and dark photons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $408,766 Year Granted 2015 Institute for Local Government to convene and provide technical assistance in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties around meeting the unique needs of undocumented communities, including with respect to administrative relief from deportation Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $45,000 Year Granted 2015 Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation to support the 2015 California STEM Symposium Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Start Early for policy and advocacy work of the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2015 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to evaluate an early math text-messaging program for parents of preschoolers at three Bay Area sites Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $123,700 Year Granted 2015 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Reach Out and Read Inc to expand and field test a program that integrates support for early mathematics into a medical-provider-based early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,000 Year Granted 2015 National Center for Family Philanthropy Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support for San Francisco Ballet Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Child Trends Incorporated to develop a statistical portrait of Latino children’s early math and social-emotional skills, identify the factors that promote these skills, and communicate this knowledge to audiences who can use it to improve outcomes for Latino children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $90,000 Year Granted 2015 Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Children Now for policy analysis and public education around the need for more and better-directed funding for early childhood programs and services in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,000 Year Granted 2015 Start Early over three years to support the planning and execution of an annual two-day National Home Visiting Summit in 2016-2018 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2015 Cerritos College Foundation to develop and implement a model teacher preparation program for early mathematics education. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $191,510 Year Granted 2015 Council on Foundations Inc. for membership dues in the Council on Foundations, Inc. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,800 Year Granted 2015 University of Chicago to fund the University of Chicago to develop high frequency, large volume, low loss resonant structures for use in future axion dark matter experiments Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $138,619 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support geological research on the Deccan Traps flood basalts of India Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $172,500 Year Granted 2015 Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums for general support for the Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 The Pennsylvania State University to support the development of a comprehensive proxy-focused model of how marine sediment cores accumulate and change over millennial time scales to form the observed geological record Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $326,444 Year Granted 2015 Urban Institute for the creation of an interactive database and mapping tool on the characteristics of immigrant children’s preschool participation patterns and for a qualitative study exploring outreach strategies for immigrant families with preschool-aged children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2015 Southwest Energy Efficiency Project LLC for (1) utility energy efficiency advisory and advocacy work; and (2) work to use energy efficiency to comply with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the Center for the Study of Child Care Employment to support organizational capacity-building and policy-oriented research on the development, compensation, and financing of the early childhood workforce Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the development of a new undergraduate minor to be offered by the School of Journalism during Summer Session Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Foothill - De Anza Community Colleges Foundation for the Family Engagement Institute at Foothill College, including Stretch to Kindergarten Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $530,000 Year Granted 2015 Advanced Energy Institute to 1) accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector; and 2) defend the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan on behalf of the clean energy industry Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Community Initiatives for Early Edge California to support effective implementation of transitional kindergarten and to increase awareness of the importance of early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Boston University to fund Boston University’s activities during Phase 1 of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr), a search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and dark photons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $408,766 Year Granted 2015 Institute for Local Government to convene and provide technical assistance in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties around meeting the unique needs of undocumented communities, including with respect to administrative relief from deportation Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $45,000 Year Granted 2015 Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation to support the 2015 California STEM Symposium Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Start Early for policy and advocacy work of the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2015 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to evaluate an early math text-messaging program for parents of preschoolers at three Bay Area sites Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $123,700 Year Granted 2015 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Reach Out and Read Inc to expand and field test a program that integrates support for early mathematics into a medical-provider-based early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,000 Year Granted 2015 National Center for Family Philanthropy Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support for San Francisco Ballet Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Child Trends Incorporated to develop a statistical portrait of Latino children’s early math and social-emotional skills, identify the factors that promote these skills, and communicate this knowledge to audiences who can use it to improve outcomes for Latino children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $90,000 Year Granted 2015 Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Start Early over three years to support the planning and execution of an annual two-day National Home Visiting Summit in 2016-2018 Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $750,000 Year Granted 2015 Cerritos College Foundation to develop and implement a model teacher preparation program for early mathematics education. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $191,510 Year Granted 2015 Council on Foundations Inc. for membership dues in the Council on Foundations, Inc. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,800 Year Granted 2015 University of Chicago to fund the University of Chicago to develop high frequency, large volume, low loss resonant structures for use in future axion dark matter experiments Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $138,619 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support geological research on the Deccan Traps flood basalts of India Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $172,500 Year Granted 2015 Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums for general support for the Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 The Pennsylvania State University to support the development of a comprehensive proxy-focused model of how marine sediment cores accumulate and change over millennial time scales to form the observed geological record Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $326,444 Year Granted 2015 Urban Institute for the creation of an interactive database and mapping tool on the characteristics of immigrant children’s preschool participation patterns and for a qualitative study exploring outreach strategies for immigrant families with preschool-aged children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2015 Southwest Energy Efficiency Project LLC for (1) utility energy efficiency advisory and advocacy work; and (2) work to use energy efficiency to comply with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the Center for the Study of Child Care Employment to support organizational capacity-building and policy-oriented research on the development, compensation, and financing of the early childhood workforce Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the development of a new undergraduate minor to be offered by the School of Journalism during Summer Session Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Foothill - De Anza Community Colleges Foundation for the Family Engagement Institute at Foothill College, including Stretch to Kindergarten Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $530,000 Year Granted 2015 Advanced Energy Institute to 1) accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector; and 2) defend the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan on behalf of the clean energy industry Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Community Initiatives for Early Edge California to support effective implementation of transitional kindergarten and to increase awareness of the importance of early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Boston University to fund Boston University’s activities during Phase 1 of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr), a search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and dark photons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $408,766 Year Granted 2015 Institute for Local Government to convene and provide technical assistance in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties around meeting the unique needs of undocumented communities, including with respect to administrative relief from deportation Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $45,000 Year Granted 2015 Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation to support the 2015 California STEM Symposium Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Start Early for policy and advocacy work of the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2015 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to evaluate an early math text-messaging program for parents of preschoolers at three Bay Area sites Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $123,700 Year Granted 2015 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Reach Out and Read Inc to expand and field test a program that integrates support for early mathematics into a medical-provider-based early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,000 Year Granted 2015 National Center for Family Philanthropy Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support for San Francisco Ballet Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Child Trends Incorporated to develop a statistical portrait of Latino children’s early math and social-emotional skills, identify the factors that promote these skills, and communicate this knowledge to audiences who can use it to improve outcomes for Latino children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $90,000 Year Granted 2015 Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Cerritos College Foundation to develop and implement a model teacher preparation program for early mathematics education. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $191,510 Year Granted 2015 Council on Foundations Inc. for membership dues in the Council on Foundations, Inc. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,800 Year Granted 2015 University of Chicago to fund the University of Chicago to develop high frequency, large volume, low loss resonant structures for use in future axion dark matter experiments Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $138,619 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support geological research on the Deccan Traps flood basalts of India Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $172,500 Year Granted 2015 Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums for general support for the Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 The Pennsylvania State University to support the development of a comprehensive proxy-focused model of how marine sediment cores accumulate and change over millennial time scales to form the observed geological record Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $326,444 Year Granted 2015 Urban Institute for the creation of an interactive database and mapping tool on the characteristics of immigrant children’s preschool participation patterns and for a qualitative study exploring outreach strategies for immigrant families with preschool-aged children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2015 Southwest Energy Efficiency Project LLC for (1) utility energy efficiency advisory and advocacy work; and (2) work to use energy efficiency to comply with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the Center for the Study of Child Care Employment to support organizational capacity-building and policy-oriented research on the development, compensation, and financing of the early childhood workforce Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the development of a new undergraduate minor to be offered by the School of Journalism during Summer Session Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Foothill - De Anza Community Colleges Foundation for the Family Engagement Institute at Foothill College, including Stretch to Kindergarten Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $530,000 Year Granted 2015 Advanced Energy Institute to 1) accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector; and 2) defend the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan on behalf of the clean energy industry Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Community Initiatives for Early Edge California to support effective implementation of transitional kindergarten and to increase awareness of the importance of early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Boston University to fund Boston University’s activities during Phase 1 of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr), a search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and dark photons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $408,766 Year Granted 2015 Institute for Local Government to convene and provide technical assistance in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties around meeting the unique needs of undocumented communities, including with respect to administrative relief from deportation Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $45,000 Year Granted 2015 Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation to support the 2015 California STEM Symposium Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Start Early for policy and advocacy work of the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2015 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to evaluate an early math text-messaging program for parents of preschoolers at three Bay Area sites Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $123,700 Year Granted 2015 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Reach Out and Read Inc to expand and field test a program that integrates support for early mathematics into a medical-provider-based early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,000 Year Granted 2015 National Center for Family Philanthropy Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support for San Francisco Ballet Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Child Trends Incorporated to develop a statistical portrait of Latino children’s early math and social-emotional skills, identify the factors that promote these skills, and communicate this knowledge to audiences who can use it to improve outcomes for Latino children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $90,000 Year Granted 2015 Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Council on Foundations Inc. for membership dues in the Council on Foundations, Inc. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,800 Year Granted 2015 University of Chicago to fund the University of Chicago to develop high frequency, large volume, low loss resonant structures for use in future axion dark matter experiments Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $138,619 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support geological research on the Deccan Traps flood basalts of India Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $172,500 Year Granted 2015 Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums for general support for the Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 The Pennsylvania State University to support the development of a comprehensive proxy-focused model of how marine sediment cores accumulate and change over millennial time scales to form the observed geological record Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $326,444 Year Granted 2015 Urban Institute for the creation of an interactive database and mapping tool on the characteristics of immigrant children’s preschool participation patterns and for a qualitative study exploring outreach strategies for immigrant families with preschool-aged children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2015 Southwest Energy Efficiency Project LLC for (1) utility energy efficiency advisory and advocacy work; and (2) work to use energy efficiency to comply with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the Center for the Study of Child Care Employment to support organizational capacity-building and policy-oriented research on the development, compensation, and financing of the early childhood workforce Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the development of a new undergraduate minor to be offered by the School of Journalism during Summer Session Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Foothill - De Anza Community Colleges Foundation for the Family Engagement Institute at Foothill College, including Stretch to Kindergarten Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $530,000 Year Granted 2015 Advanced Energy Institute to 1) accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector; and 2) defend the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan on behalf of the clean energy industry Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Community Initiatives for Early Edge California to support effective implementation of transitional kindergarten and to increase awareness of the importance of early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Boston University to fund Boston University’s activities during Phase 1 of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr), a search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and dark photons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $408,766 Year Granted 2015 Institute for Local Government to convene and provide technical assistance in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties around meeting the unique needs of undocumented communities, including with respect to administrative relief from deportation Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $45,000 Year Granted 2015 Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation to support the 2015 California STEM Symposium Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Start Early for policy and advocacy work of the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2015 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to evaluate an early math text-messaging program for parents of preschoolers at three Bay Area sites Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $123,700 Year Granted 2015 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Reach Out and Read Inc to expand and field test a program that integrates support for early mathematics into a medical-provider-based early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,000 Year Granted 2015 National Center for Family Philanthropy Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support for San Francisco Ballet Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Child Trends Incorporated to develop a statistical portrait of Latino children’s early math and social-emotional skills, identify the factors that promote these skills, and communicate this knowledge to audiences who can use it to improve outcomes for Latino children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $90,000 Year Granted 2015 Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
University of Chicago to fund the University of Chicago to develop high frequency, large volume, low loss resonant structures for use in future axion dark matter experiments Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $138,619 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support geological research on the Deccan Traps flood basalts of India Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $172,500 Year Granted 2015 Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums for general support for the Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 The Pennsylvania State University to support the development of a comprehensive proxy-focused model of how marine sediment cores accumulate and change over millennial time scales to form the observed geological record Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $326,444 Year Granted 2015 Urban Institute for the creation of an interactive database and mapping tool on the characteristics of immigrant children’s preschool participation patterns and for a qualitative study exploring outreach strategies for immigrant families with preschool-aged children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2015 Southwest Energy Efficiency Project LLC for (1) utility energy efficiency advisory and advocacy work; and (2) work to use energy efficiency to comply with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the Center for the Study of Child Care Employment to support organizational capacity-building and policy-oriented research on the development, compensation, and financing of the early childhood workforce Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the development of a new undergraduate minor to be offered by the School of Journalism during Summer Session Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Foothill - De Anza Community Colleges Foundation for the Family Engagement Institute at Foothill College, including Stretch to Kindergarten Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $530,000 Year Granted 2015 Advanced Energy Institute to 1) accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector; and 2) defend the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan on behalf of the clean energy industry Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Community Initiatives for Early Edge California to support effective implementation of transitional kindergarten and to increase awareness of the importance of early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Boston University to fund Boston University’s activities during Phase 1 of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr), a search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and dark photons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $408,766 Year Granted 2015 Institute for Local Government to convene and provide technical assistance in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties around meeting the unique needs of undocumented communities, including with respect to administrative relief from deportation Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $45,000 Year Granted 2015 Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation to support the 2015 California STEM Symposium Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Start Early for policy and advocacy work of the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2015 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to evaluate an early math text-messaging program for parents of preschoolers at three Bay Area sites Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $123,700 Year Granted 2015 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Reach Out and Read Inc to expand and field test a program that integrates support for early mathematics into a medical-provider-based early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,000 Year Granted 2015 National Center for Family Philanthropy Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support for San Francisco Ballet Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Child Trends Incorporated to develop a statistical portrait of Latino children’s early math and social-emotional skills, identify the factors that promote these skills, and communicate this knowledge to audiences who can use it to improve outcomes for Latino children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $90,000 Year Granted 2015 Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support geological research on the Deccan Traps flood basalts of India Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $172,500 Year Granted 2015 Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums for general support for the Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 The Pennsylvania State University to support the development of a comprehensive proxy-focused model of how marine sediment cores accumulate and change over millennial time scales to form the observed geological record Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $326,444 Year Granted 2015 Urban Institute for the creation of an interactive database and mapping tool on the characteristics of immigrant children’s preschool participation patterns and for a qualitative study exploring outreach strategies for immigrant families with preschool-aged children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2015 Southwest Energy Efficiency Project LLC for (1) utility energy efficiency advisory and advocacy work; and (2) work to use energy efficiency to comply with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the Center for the Study of Child Care Employment to support organizational capacity-building and policy-oriented research on the development, compensation, and financing of the early childhood workforce Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the development of a new undergraduate minor to be offered by the School of Journalism during Summer Session Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Foothill - De Anza Community Colleges Foundation for the Family Engagement Institute at Foothill College, including Stretch to Kindergarten Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $530,000 Year Granted 2015 Advanced Energy Institute to 1) accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector; and 2) defend the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan on behalf of the clean energy industry Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Community Initiatives for Early Edge California to support effective implementation of transitional kindergarten and to increase awareness of the importance of early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Boston University to fund Boston University’s activities during Phase 1 of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr), a search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and dark photons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $408,766 Year Granted 2015 Institute for Local Government to convene and provide technical assistance in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties around meeting the unique needs of undocumented communities, including with respect to administrative relief from deportation Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $45,000 Year Granted 2015 Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation to support the 2015 California STEM Symposium Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Start Early for policy and advocacy work of the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2015 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to evaluate an early math text-messaging program for parents of preschoolers at three Bay Area sites Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $123,700 Year Granted 2015 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Reach Out and Read Inc to expand and field test a program that integrates support for early mathematics into a medical-provider-based early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,000 Year Granted 2015 National Center for Family Philanthropy Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support for San Francisco Ballet Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Child Trends Incorporated to develop a statistical portrait of Latino children’s early math and social-emotional skills, identify the factors that promote these skills, and communicate this knowledge to audiences who can use it to improve outcomes for Latino children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $90,000 Year Granted 2015 Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums for general support for the Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 The Pennsylvania State University to support the development of a comprehensive proxy-focused model of how marine sediment cores accumulate and change over millennial time scales to form the observed geological record Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $326,444 Year Granted 2015 Urban Institute for the creation of an interactive database and mapping tool on the characteristics of immigrant children’s preschool participation patterns and for a qualitative study exploring outreach strategies for immigrant families with preschool-aged children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2015 Southwest Energy Efficiency Project LLC for (1) utility energy efficiency advisory and advocacy work; and (2) work to use energy efficiency to comply with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the Center for the Study of Child Care Employment to support organizational capacity-building and policy-oriented research on the development, compensation, and financing of the early childhood workforce Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the development of a new undergraduate minor to be offered by the School of Journalism during Summer Session Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Foothill - De Anza Community Colleges Foundation for the Family Engagement Institute at Foothill College, including Stretch to Kindergarten Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $530,000 Year Granted 2015 Advanced Energy Institute to 1) accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector; and 2) defend the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan on behalf of the clean energy industry Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Community Initiatives for Early Edge California to support effective implementation of transitional kindergarten and to increase awareness of the importance of early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Boston University to fund Boston University’s activities during Phase 1 of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr), a search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and dark photons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $408,766 Year Granted 2015 Institute for Local Government to convene and provide technical assistance in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties around meeting the unique needs of undocumented communities, including with respect to administrative relief from deportation Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $45,000 Year Granted 2015 Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation to support the 2015 California STEM Symposium Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Start Early for policy and advocacy work of the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2015 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to evaluate an early math text-messaging program for parents of preschoolers at three Bay Area sites Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $123,700 Year Granted 2015 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Reach Out and Read Inc to expand and field test a program that integrates support for early mathematics into a medical-provider-based early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,000 Year Granted 2015 National Center for Family Philanthropy Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support for San Francisco Ballet Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Child Trends Incorporated to develop a statistical portrait of Latino children’s early math and social-emotional skills, identify the factors that promote these skills, and communicate this knowledge to audiences who can use it to improve outcomes for Latino children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $90,000 Year Granted 2015 Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
The Pennsylvania State University to support the development of a comprehensive proxy-focused model of how marine sediment cores accumulate and change over millennial time scales to form the observed geological record Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $326,444 Year Granted 2015 Urban Institute for the creation of an interactive database and mapping tool on the characteristics of immigrant children’s preschool participation patterns and for a qualitative study exploring outreach strategies for immigrant families with preschool-aged children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2015 Southwest Energy Efficiency Project LLC for (1) utility energy efficiency advisory and advocacy work; and (2) work to use energy efficiency to comply with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the Center for the Study of Child Care Employment to support organizational capacity-building and policy-oriented research on the development, compensation, and financing of the early childhood workforce Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the development of a new undergraduate minor to be offered by the School of Journalism during Summer Session Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Foothill - De Anza Community Colleges Foundation for the Family Engagement Institute at Foothill College, including Stretch to Kindergarten Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $530,000 Year Granted 2015 Advanced Energy Institute to 1) accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector; and 2) defend the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan on behalf of the clean energy industry Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Community Initiatives for Early Edge California to support effective implementation of transitional kindergarten and to increase awareness of the importance of early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Boston University to fund Boston University’s activities during Phase 1 of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr), a search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and dark photons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $408,766 Year Granted 2015 Institute for Local Government to convene and provide technical assistance in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties around meeting the unique needs of undocumented communities, including with respect to administrative relief from deportation Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $45,000 Year Granted 2015 Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation to support the 2015 California STEM Symposium Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Start Early for policy and advocacy work of the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2015 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to evaluate an early math text-messaging program for parents of preschoolers at three Bay Area sites Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $123,700 Year Granted 2015 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Reach Out and Read Inc to expand and field test a program that integrates support for early mathematics into a medical-provider-based early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,000 Year Granted 2015 National Center for Family Philanthropy Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support for San Francisco Ballet Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Child Trends Incorporated to develop a statistical portrait of Latino children’s early math and social-emotional skills, identify the factors that promote these skills, and communicate this knowledge to audiences who can use it to improve outcomes for Latino children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $90,000 Year Granted 2015 Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Urban Institute for the creation of an interactive database and mapping tool on the characteristics of immigrant children’s preschool participation patterns and for a qualitative study exploring outreach strategies for immigrant families with preschool-aged children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $400,000 Year Granted 2015 Southwest Energy Efficiency Project LLC for (1) utility energy efficiency advisory and advocacy work; and (2) work to use energy efficiency to comply with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the Center for the Study of Child Care Employment to support organizational capacity-building and policy-oriented research on the development, compensation, and financing of the early childhood workforce Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the development of a new undergraduate minor to be offered by the School of Journalism during Summer Session Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Foothill - De Anza Community Colleges Foundation for the Family Engagement Institute at Foothill College, including Stretch to Kindergarten Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $530,000 Year Granted 2015 Advanced Energy Institute to 1) accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector; and 2) defend the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan on behalf of the clean energy industry Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Community Initiatives for Early Edge California to support effective implementation of transitional kindergarten and to increase awareness of the importance of early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Boston University to fund Boston University’s activities during Phase 1 of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr), a search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and dark photons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $408,766 Year Granted 2015 Institute for Local Government to convene and provide technical assistance in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties around meeting the unique needs of undocumented communities, including with respect to administrative relief from deportation Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $45,000 Year Granted 2015 Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation to support the 2015 California STEM Symposium Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Start Early for policy and advocacy work of the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2015 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to evaluate an early math text-messaging program for parents of preschoolers at three Bay Area sites Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $123,700 Year Granted 2015 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Reach Out and Read Inc to expand and field test a program that integrates support for early mathematics into a medical-provider-based early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,000 Year Granted 2015 National Center for Family Philanthropy Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support for San Francisco Ballet Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Child Trends Incorporated to develop a statistical portrait of Latino children’s early math and social-emotional skills, identify the factors that promote these skills, and communicate this knowledge to audiences who can use it to improve outcomes for Latino children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $90,000 Year Granted 2015 Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Southwest Energy Efficiency Project LLC for (1) utility energy efficiency advisory and advocacy work; and (2) work to use energy efficiency to comply with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the Center for the Study of Child Care Employment to support organizational capacity-building and policy-oriented research on the development, compensation, and financing of the early childhood workforce Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the development of a new undergraduate minor to be offered by the School of Journalism during Summer Session Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Foothill - De Anza Community Colleges Foundation for the Family Engagement Institute at Foothill College, including Stretch to Kindergarten Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $530,000 Year Granted 2015 Advanced Energy Institute to 1) accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector; and 2) defend the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan on behalf of the clean energy industry Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Community Initiatives for Early Edge California to support effective implementation of transitional kindergarten and to increase awareness of the importance of early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Boston University to fund Boston University’s activities during Phase 1 of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr), a search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and dark photons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $408,766 Year Granted 2015 Institute for Local Government to convene and provide technical assistance in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties around meeting the unique needs of undocumented communities, including with respect to administrative relief from deportation Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $45,000 Year Granted 2015 Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation to support the 2015 California STEM Symposium Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Start Early for policy and advocacy work of the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2015 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to evaluate an early math text-messaging program for parents of preschoolers at three Bay Area sites Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $123,700 Year Granted 2015 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Reach Out and Read Inc to expand and field test a program that integrates support for early mathematics into a medical-provider-based early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,000 Year Granted 2015 National Center for Family Philanthropy Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support for San Francisco Ballet Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Child Trends Incorporated to develop a statistical portrait of Latino children’s early math and social-emotional skills, identify the factors that promote these skills, and communicate this knowledge to audiences who can use it to improve outcomes for Latino children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $90,000 Year Granted 2015 Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the Center for the Study of Child Care Employment to support organizational capacity-building and policy-oriented research on the development, compensation, and financing of the early childhood workforce Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the development of a new undergraduate minor to be offered by the School of Journalism during Summer Session Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Foothill - De Anza Community Colleges Foundation for the Family Engagement Institute at Foothill College, including Stretch to Kindergarten Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $530,000 Year Granted 2015 Advanced Energy Institute to 1) accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector; and 2) defend the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan on behalf of the clean energy industry Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Community Initiatives for Early Edge California to support effective implementation of transitional kindergarten and to increase awareness of the importance of early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Boston University to fund Boston University’s activities during Phase 1 of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr), a search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and dark photons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $408,766 Year Granted 2015 Institute for Local Government to convene and provide technical assistance in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties around meeting the unique needs of undocumented communities, including with respect to administrative relief from deportation Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $45,000 Year Granted 2015 Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation to support the 2015 California STEM Symposium Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Start Early for policy and advocacy work of the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2015 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to evaluate an early math text-messaging program for parents of preschoolers at three Bay Area sites Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $123,700 Year Granted 2015 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Reach Out and Read Inc to expand and field test a program that integrates support for early mathematics into a medical-provider-based early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,000 Year Granted 2015 National Center for Family Philanthropy Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support for San Francisco Ballet Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Child Trends Incorporated to develop a statistical portrait of Latino children’s early math and social-emotional skills, identify the factors that promote these skills, and communicate this knowledge to audiences who can use it to improve outcomes for Latino children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $90,000 Year Granted 2015 Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the Center for the Study of Child Care Employment to support organizational capacity-building and policy-oriented research on the development, compensation, and financing of the early childhood workforce Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the development of a new undergraduate minor to be offered by the School of Journalism during Summer Session Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Foothill - De Anza Community Colleges Foundation for the Family Engagement Institute at Foothill College, including Stretch to Kindergarten Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $530,000 Year Granted 2015 Advanced Energy Institute to 1) accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector; and 2) defend the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan on behalf of the clean energy industry Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Community Initiatives for Early Edge California to support effective implementation of transitional kindergarten and to increase awareness of the importance of early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Boston University to fund Boston University’s activities during Phase 1 of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr), a search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and dark photons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $408,766 Year Granted 2015 Institute for Local Government to convene and provide technical assistance in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties around meeting the unique needs of undocumented communities, including with respect to administrative relief from deportation Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $45,000 Year Granted 2015 Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation to support the 2015 California STEM Symposium Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Start Early for policy and advocacy work of the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2015 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to evaluate an early math text-messaging program for parents of preschoolers at three Bay Area sites Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $123,700 Year Granted 2015 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Reach Out and Read Inc to expand and field test a program that integrates support for early mathematics into a medical-provider-based early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,000 Year Granted 2015 National Center for Family Philanthropy Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support for San Francisco Ballet Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Child Trends Incorporated to develop a statistical portrait of Latino children’s early math and social-emotional skills, identify the factors that promote these skills, and communicate this knowledge to audiences who can use it to improve outcomes for Latino children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $90,000 Year Granted 2015 Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the development of a new undergraduate minor to be offered by the School of Journalism during Summer Session Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Foothill - De Anza Community Colleges Foundation for the Family Engagement Institute at Foothill College, including Stretch to Kindergarten Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $530,000 Year Granted 2015 Advanced Energy Institute to 1) accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector; and 2) defend the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan on behalf of the clean energy industry Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Community Initiatives for Early Edge California to support effective implementation of transitional kindergarten and to increase awareness of the importance of early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Boston University to fund Boston University’s activities during Phase 1 of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr), a search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and dark photons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $408,766 Year Granted 2015 Institute for Local Government to convene and provide technical assistance in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties around meeting the unique needs of undocumented communities, including with respect to administrative relief from deportation Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $45,000 Year Granted 2015 Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation to support the 2015 California STEM Symposium Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Start Early for policy and advocacy work of the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2015 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to evaluate an early math text-messaging program for parents of preschoolers at three Bay Area sites Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $123,700 Year Granted 2015 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Reach Out and Read Inc to expand and field test a program that integrates support for early mathematics into a medical-provider-based early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,000 Year Granted 2015 National Center for Family Philanthropy Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support for San Francisco Ballet Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Child Trends Incorporated to develop a statistical portrait of Latino children’s early math and social-emotional skills, identify the factors that promote these skills, and communicate this knowledge to audiences who can use it to improve outcomes for Latino children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $90,000 Year Granted 2015 Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Foothill - De Anza Community Colleges Foundation for the Family Engagement Institute at Foothill College, including Stretch to Kindergarten Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $530,000 Year Granted 2015 Advanced Energy Institute to 1) accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector; and 2) defend the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan on behalf of the clean energy industry Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Community Initiatives for Early Edge California to support effective implementation of transitional kindergarten and to increase awareness of the importance of early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Boston University to fund Boston University’s activities during Phase 1 of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr), a search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and dark photons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $408,766 Year Granted 2015 Institute for Local Government to convene and provide technical assistance in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties around meeting the unique needs of undocumented communities, including with respect to administrative relief from deportation Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $45,000 Year Granted 2015 Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation to support the 2015 California STEM Symposium Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Start Early for policy and advocacy work of the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2015 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to evaluate an early math text-messaging program for parents of preschoolers at three Bay Area sites Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $123,700 Year Granted 2015 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Reach Out and Read Inc to expand and field test a program that integrates support for early mathematics into a medical-provider-based early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,000 Year Granted 2015 National Center for Family Philanthropy Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support for San Francisco Ballet Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Child Trends Incorporated to develop a statistical portrait of Latino children’s early math and social-emotional skills, identify the factors that promote these skills, and communicate this knowledge to audiences who can use it to improve outcomes for Latino children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $90,000 Year Granted 2015 Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Advanced Energy Institute to 1) accelerate market adoption of advanced energy technologies to create a more secure, resilient, clean, and cost-effective power sector; and 2) defend the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan on behalf of the clean energy industry Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Community Initiatives for Early Edge California to support effective implementation of transitional kindergarten and to increase awareness of the importance of early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Boston University to fund Boston University’s activities during Phase 1 of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr), a search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and dark photons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $408,766 Year Granted 2015 Institute for Local Government to convene and provide technical assistance in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties around meeting the unique needs of undocumented communities, including with respect to administrative relief from deportation Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $45,000 Year Granted 2015 Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation to support the 2015 California STEM Symposium Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Start Early for policy and advocacy work of the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2015 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to evaluate an early math text-messaging program for parents of preschoolers at three Bay Area sites Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $123,700 Year Granted 2015 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Reach Out and Read Inc to expand and field test a program that integrates support for early mathematics into a medical-provider-based early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,000 Year Granted 2015 National Center for Family Philanthropy Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support for San Francisco Ballet Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Child Trends Incorporated to develop a statistical portrait of Latino children’s early math and social-emotional skills, identify the factors that promote these skills, and communicate this knowledge to audiences who can use it to improve outcomes for Latino children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $90,000 Year Granted 2015 Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Community Initiatives for Early Edge California to support effective implementation of transitional kindergarten and to increase awareness of the importance of early childhood education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Boston University to fund Boston University’s activities during Phase 1 of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr), a search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and dark photons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $408,766 Year Granted 2015 Institute for Local Government to convene and provide technical assistance in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties around meeting the unique needs of undocumented communities, including with respect to administrative relief from deportation Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $45,000 Year Granted 2015 Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation to support the 2015 California STEM Symposium Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Start Early for policy and advocacy work of the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2015 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to evaluate an early math text-messaging program for parents of preschoolers at three Bay Area sites Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $123,700 Year Granted 2015 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Reach Out and Read Inc to expand and field test a program that integrates support for early mathematics into a medical-provider-based early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,000 Year Granted 2015 National Center for Family Philanthropy Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support for San Francisco Ballet Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Child Trends Incorporated to develop a statistical portrait of Latino children’s early math and social-emotional skills, identify the factors that promote these skills, and communicate this knowledge to audiences who can use it to improve outcomes for Latino children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $90,000 Year Granted 2015 Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Trustees of Boston University to fund Boston University’s activities during Phase 1 of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr), a search for ultra-light dark matter particles such as axions and dark photons Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $408,766 Year Granted 2015 Institute for Local Government to convene and provide technical assistance in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties around meeting the unique needs of undocumented communities, including with respect to administrative relief from deportation Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $45,000 Year Granted 2015 Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation to support the 2015 California STEM Symposium Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Start Early for policy and advocacy work of the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2015 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to evaluate an early math text-messaging program for parents of preschoolers at three Bay Area sites Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $123,700 Year Granted 2015 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Reach Out and Read Inc to expand and field test a program that integrates support for early mathematics into a medical-provider-based early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,000 Year Granted 2015 National Center for Family Philanthropy Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support for San Francisco Ballet Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Child Trends Incorporated to develop a statistical portrait of Latino children’s early math and social-emotional skills, identify the factors that promote these skills, and communicate this knowledge to audiences who can use it to improve outcomes for Latino children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $90,000 Year Granted 2015 Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Institute for Local Government to convene and provide technical assistance in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties around meeting the unique needs of undocumented communities, including with respect to administrative relief from deportation Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $45,000 Year Granted 2015 Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation to support the 2015 California STEM Symposium Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Start Early for policy and advocacy work of the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2015 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to evaluate an early math text-messaging program for parents of preschoolers at three Bay Area sites Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $123,700 Year Granted 2015 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Reach Out and Read Inc to expand and field test a program that integrates support for early mathematics into a medical-provider-based early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,000 Year Granted 2015 National Center for Family Philanthropy Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support for San Francisco Ballet Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Child Trends Incorporated to develop a statistical portrait of Latino children’s early math and social-emotional skills, identify the factors that promote these skills, and communicate this knowledge to audiences who can use it to improve outcomes for Latino children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $90,000 Year Granted 2015 Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation to support the 2015 California STEM Symposium Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Start Early for policy and advocacy work of the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2015 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to evaluate an early math text-messaging program for parents of preschoolers at three Bay Area sites Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $123,700 Year Granted 2015 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Reach Out and Read Inc to expand and field test a program that integrates support for early mathematics into a medical-provider-based early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,000 Year Granted 2015 National Center for Family Philanthropy Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support for San Francisco Ballet Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Child Trends Incorporated to develop a statistical portrait of Latino children’s early math and social-emotional skills, identify the factors that promote these skills, and communicate this knowledge to audiences who can use it to improve outcomes for Latino children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $90,000 Year Granted 2015 Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Start Early for policy and advocacy work of the First Five Years Fund (FFYF) Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2015 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to evaluate an early math text-messaging program for parents of preschoolers at three Bay Area sites Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $123,700 Year Granted 2015 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Reach Out and Read Inc to expand and field test a program that integrates support for early mathematics into a medical-provider-based early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,000 Year Granted 2015 National Center for Family Philanthropy Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support for San Francisco Ballet Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Child Trends Incorporated to develop a statistical portrait of Latino children’s early math and social-emotional skills, identify the factors that promote these skills, and communicate this knowledge to audiences who can use it to improve outcomes for Latino children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $90,000 Year Granted 2015 Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University to evaluate an early math text-messaging program for parents of preschoolers at three Bay Area sites Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $123,700 Year Granted 2015 MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Reach Out and Read Inc to expand and field test a program that integrates support for early mathematics into a medical-provider-based early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,000 Year Granted 2015 National Center for Family Philanthropy Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support for San Francisco Ballet Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Child Trends Incorporated to develop a statistical portrait of Latino children’s early math and social-emotional skills, identify the factors that promote these skills, and communicate this knowledge to audiences who can use it to improve outcomes for Latino children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $90,000 Year Granted 2015 Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
MomsRising Education Fund for the national early learning program, which aims to educate and engage busy parents in a movement to increase high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities for all children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Reach Out and Read Inc to expand and field test a program that integrates support for early mathematics into a medical-provider-based early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,000 Year Granted 2015 National Center for Family Philanthropy Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support for San Francisco Ballet Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Child Trends Incorporated to develop a statistical portrait of Latino children’s early math and social-emotional skills, identify the factors that promote these skills, and communicate this knowledge to audiences who can use it to improve outcomes for Latino children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $90,000 Year Granted 2015 Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Reach Out and Read Inc to expand and field test a program that integrates support for early mathematics into a medical-provider-based early literacy intervention Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,000 Year Granted 2015 National Center for Family Philanthropy Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support for San Francisco Ballet Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Child Trends Incorporated to develop a statistical portrait of Latino children’s early math and social-emotional skills, identify the factors that promote these skills, and communicate this knowledge to audiences who can use it to improve outcomes for Latino children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $90,000 Year Granted 2015 Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
National Center for Family Philanthropy Inc for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Ballet Association for general support for San Francisco Ballet Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Child Trends Incorporated to develop a statistical portrait of Latino children’s early math and social-emotional skills, identify the factors that promote these skills, and communicate this knowledge to audiences who can use it to improve outcomes for Latino children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $90,000 Year Granted 2015 Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
San Francisco Ballet Association for general support for San Francisco Ballet Association Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Child Trends Incorporated to develop a statistical portrait of Latino children’s early math and social-emotional skills, identify the factors that promote these skills, and communicate this knowledge to audiences who can use it to improve outcomes for Latino children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $90,000 Year Granted 2015 Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Child Trends Incorporated to develop a statistical portrait of Latino children’s early math and social-emotional skills, identify the factors that promote these skills, and communicate this knowledge to audiences who can use it to improve outcomes for Latino children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $90,000 Year Granted 2015 Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Fund for Global Human Rights to defend and promote women’s rights worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Silicon Valley Community Foundation to support Silicon Valley Gives Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $5,000 Year Granted 2015 Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Equal Justice Initiative for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York to add the collection of child outcome data to the Getting Ready for School study during the 2015-2016 school year Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,615 Year Granted 2015 Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Center for American Progress to support criminal justice work Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
California Association for Research in Astronomy to support the upgrade of W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $215,000 Year Granted 2015 Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Silicon Valley Community Foundation to the Heising-Simons Fund for matching grants. Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2015 Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Climate Central Inc. to communicate the science and impacts of climate change to millions of viewers through the weathercast Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2015 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support retreats, strategic planning meetings, and special seminars for the Joint BioEnergy Institute Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $225,000 Year Granted 2015 EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
EdSource, Inc. for EdSource Today, an online platform for education policy reporting and analysis, and for an early childhood education-focused poll Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $315,000 Year Granted 2015 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to support the use of novel biophysical and computational approaches to predict how proteins self-assemble to ultimately form ordered super-structures Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2015 Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next
Science is Elementary, Inc. for general support for Science is Elementary Inc Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next
America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth for public education efforts around the importance of home visiting and for policy analysis and advocacy on the need to improve access to federal early childhood programs for children of immigrants Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2015 Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next
Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families Inc. for 2015 membership dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $3,500 Year Granted 2015 YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next
YMCA of Silicon Valley to further expand and field test a math program delivered through community-based preschools that serve young children and their family-friend-and-neighbor caregivers Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $175,619 Year Granted 2015 Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next
Internews Networks to provide bridge funding for the Earth Journalism Scholars Program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2015 San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next
San Francisco Jazz Organization for general support for the San Francisco Jazz Organization Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2015 Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015 Previous 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 … 88 Next
Accountability Counsel for general support for Accountability Counsel Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $40,000 Year Granted 2015 Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015
Human Rights First to protect and promote the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $35,000 Year Granted 2015