Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $342,093 Year Granted 2016 Natural Resources Defense Council to 1) transform the utility industry through the realignment of utilities’ resource acquisition and integration priorities, and 2) advocate for the development, adoption, and enforcement of building and equipment efficiency standards Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2016 Climate Central Inc. to increase the public’s understanding of climate change by helping meteorologists build climate science education into weather forecasts Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2016 Tahirih Justice Center to support the national campaign and the West Coast expansion Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $258,334 Year Granted 2016 Common Sense Media to support early education content curation and to begin advocating for the recommendations outlined in the Right Start Commission 2016 report Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center for 2016 Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2016 Alliance for Early Success for general support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,800,000 Year Granted 2016 Silicon Valley De-Bug for grassroots advocacy for bail reform in California Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Kansas Center For Research, Inc. to support the design and implementation of two e-learning modules focused on cultural competencies, and to support field-testing of national home visitor competencies Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $199,731 Year Granted 2016 Science Friday Initiative, Inc. for general support ($150,000) and for the development of the Spotlights multimedia project ($50,000) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Jose Grail Family Services to implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Georgetown University to identify the classroom processes that affect the early learning and development of 3-year-olds in early care and education settings in Tulsa, OK. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $447,017 Year Granted 2016 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices to provide governors’ advisors with a year of technical assistance to inform their considerations for aligning market incentives with state policy goals Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2016 Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Inc. for Kids in Common Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,000 Year Granted 2016 Trustees of Tufts College for research and development on home-school collaboration in the RISE project (Readiness through Integrative Science and Engineering), using community experts to support family engagement among low-income immigrant families with preschool children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $246,710 Year Granted 2016 San Mateo County Office of Education to implement a revised approach to the Early Learning Math Initiative in the San Mateo Foster City School District. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $264,300 Year Granted 2016 CuriOdyssey for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of Michigan for a study of early mathematics instruction that includes analyses of nationally representative, longitudinal datasets and an observational study of kindergarten and first grade classrooms Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $487,872 Year Granted 2016 San Jose Children's Musical Theater for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 GeoHazards International for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County for the LIBRE project, to conduct outreach and education, application assistance, and legal support when appropriate, to help low-income immigrants access government benefits Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $52,000 Year Granted 2016 Yale University for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $374,937 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the acquisition of an isotope ratio mass spectrometer Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,200,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to design and study a model of parental engagement in mathematics based on two-way dialogue between school and home with a focus on low-income and linguistically diverse families Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $249,568 Year Granted 2016 Human Rights Watch Inc. for U.S. criminal justice and immigration programs and the women’s rights division worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Frameworks Institute to develop and empirically test a framing strategy for building support for family engagement Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $270,000 Year Granted 2016 Asian American-Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2016 Johns Hopkins University to support the adaptation, feasibility testing, and dissemination of a portfolio of observational tools for use by home visiting professionals and researchers to measure, and ultimately improve, home visitors’ communication skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for the Renewing Communities Initiative project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Social Impact Fund for the Show Me Campaign’s #FREEAMERICA project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support microwave cavity research and development efforts that will improve the discovery potential of axion dark matter by the Extreme Axion Experiment Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $115,000 Year Granted 2016 Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Natural Resources Defense Council to 1) transform the utility industry through the realignment of utilities’ resource acquisition and integration priorities, and 2) advocate for the development, adoption, and enforcement of building and equipment efficiency standards Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $500,000 Year Granted 2016 Climate Central Inc. to increase the public’s understanding of climate change by helping meteorologists build climate science education into weather forecasts Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2016 Tahirih Justice Center to support the national campaign and the West Coast expansion Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $258,334 Year Granted 2016 Common Sense Media to support early education content curation and to begin advocating for the recommendations outlined in the Right Start Commission 2016 report Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center for 2016 Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2016 Alliance for Early Success for general support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,800,000 Year Granted 2016 Silicon Valley De-Bug for grassroots advocacy for bail reform in California Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Kansas Center For Research, Inc. to support the design and implementation of two e-learning modules focused on cultural competencies, and to support field-testing of national home visitor competencies Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $199,731 Year Granted 2016 Science Friday Initiative, Inc. for general support ($150,000) and for the development of the Spotlights multimedia project ($50,000) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Jose Grail Family Services to implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Georgetown University to identify the classroom processes that affect the early learning and development of 3-year-olds in early care and education settings in Tulsa, OK. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $447,017 Year Granted 2016 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices to provide governors’ advisors with a year of technical assistance to inform their considerations for aligning market incentives with state policy goals Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2016 Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Inc. for Kids in Common Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,000 Year Granted 2016 Trustees of Tufts College for research and development on home-school collaboration in the RISE project (Readiness through Integrative Science and Engineering), using community experts to support family engagement among low-income immigrant families with preschool children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $246,710 Year Granted 2016 San Mateo County Office of Education to implement a revised approach to the Early Learning Math Initiative in the San Mateo Foster City School District. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $264,300 Year Granted 2016 CuriOdyssey for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of Michigan for a study of early mathematics instruction that includes analyses of nationally representative, longitudinal datasets and an observational study of kindergarten and first grade classrooms Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $487,872 Year Granted 2016 San Jose Children's Musical Theater for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 GeoHazards International for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County for the LIBRE project, to conduct outreach and education, application assistance, and legal support when appropriate, to help low-income immigrants access government benefits Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $52,000 Year Granted 2016 Yale University for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $374,937 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the acquisition of an isotope ratio mass spectrometer Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,200,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to design and study a model of parental engagement in mathematics based on two-way dialogue between school and home with a focus on low-income and linguistically diverse families Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $249,568 Year Granted 2016 Human Rights Watch Inc. for U.S. criminal justice and immigration programs and the women’s rights division worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Frameworks Institute to develop and empirically test a framing strategy for building support for family engagement Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $270,000 Year Granted 2016 Asian American-Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2016 Johns Hopkins University to support the adaptation, feasibility testing, and dissemination of a portfolio of observational tools for use by home visiting professionals and researchers to measure, and ultimately improve, home visitors’ communication skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for the Renewing Communities Initiative project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Social Impact Fund for the Show Me Campaign’s #FREEAMERICA project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support microwave cavity research and development efforts that will improve the discovery potential of axion dark matter by the Extreme Axion Experiment Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $115,000 Year Granted 2016 Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Climate Central Inc. to increase the public’s understanding of climate change by helping meteorologists build climate science education into weather forecasts Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2016 Tahirih Justice Center to support the national campaign and the West Coast expansion Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $258,334 Year Granted 2016 Common Sense Media to support early education content curation and to begin advocating for the recommendations outlined in the Right Start Commission 2016 report Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center for 2016 Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2016 Alliance for Early Success for general support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,800,000 Year Granted 2016 Silicon Valley De-Bug for grassroots advocacy for bail reform in California Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Kansas Center For Research, Inc. to support the design and implementation of two e-learning modules focused on cultural competencies, and to support field-testing of national home visitor competencies Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $199,731 Year Granted 2016 Science Friday Initiative, Inc. for general support ($150,000) and for the development of the Spotlights multimedia project ($50,000) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Jose Grail Family Services to implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Georgetown University to identify the classroom processes that affect the early learning and development of 3-year-olds in early care and education settings in Tulsa, OK. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $447,017 Year Granted 2016 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices to provide governors’ advisors with a year of technical assistance to inform their considerations for aligning market incentives with state policy goals Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2016 Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Inc. for Kids in Common Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,000 Year Granted 2016 Trustees of Tufts College for research and development on home-school collaboration in the RISE project (Readiness through Integrative Science and Engineering), using community experts to support family engagement among low-income immigrant families with preschool children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $246,710 Year Granted 2016 San Mateo County Office of Education to implement a revised approach to the Early Learning Math Initiative in the San Mateo Foster City School District. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $264,300 Year Granted 2016 CuriOdyssey for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of Michigan for a study of early mathematics instruction that includes analyses of nationally representative, longitudinal datasets and an observational study of kindergarten and first grade classrooms Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $487,872 Year Granted 2016 San Jose Children's Musical Theater for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 GeoHazards International for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County for the LIBRE project, to conduct outreach and education, application assistance, and legal support when appropriate, to help low-income immigrants access government benefits Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $52,000 Year Granted 2016 Yale University for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $374,937 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the acquisition of an isotope ratio mass spectrometer Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,200,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to design and study a model of parental engagement in mathematics based on two-way dialogue between school and home with a focus on low-income and linguistically diverse families Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $249,568 Year Granted 2016 Human Rights Watch Inc. for U.S. criminal justice and immigration programs and the women’s rights division worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Frameworks Institute to develop and empirically test a framing strategy for building support for family engagement Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $270,000 Year Granted 2016 Asian American-Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2016 Johns Hopkins University to support the adaptation, feasibility testing, and dissemination of a portfolio of observational tools for use by home visiting professionals and researchers to measure, and ultimately improve, home visitors’ communication skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for the Renewing Communities Initiative project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Social Impact Fund for the Show Me Campaign’s #FREEAMERICA project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support microwave cavity research and development efforts that will improve the discovery potential of axion dark matter by the Extreme Axion Experiment Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $115,000 Year Granted 2016 Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Tahirih Justice Center to support the national campaign and the West Coast expansion Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $258,334 Year Granted 2016 Common Sense Media to support early education content curation and to begin advocating for the recommendations outlined in the Right Start Commission 2016 report Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center for 2016 Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2016 Alliance for Early Success for general support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,800,000 Year Granted 2016 Silicon Valley De-Bug for grassroots advocacy for bail reform in California Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Kansas Center For Research, Inc. to support the design and implementation of two e-learning modules focused on cultural competencies, and to support field-testing of national home visitor competencies Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $199,731 Year Granted 2016 Science Friday Initiative, Inc. for general support ($150,000) and for the development of the Spotlights multimedia project ($50,000) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Jose Grail Family Services to implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Georgetown University to identify the classroom processes that affect the early learning and development of 3-year-olds in early care and education settings in Tulsa, OK. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $447,017 Year Granted 2016 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices to provide governors’ advisors with a year of technical assistance to inform their considerations for aligning market incentives with state policy goals Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2016 Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Inc. for Kids in Common Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,000 Year Granted 2016 Trustees of Tufts College for research and development on home-school collaboration in the RISE project (Readiness through Integrative Science and Engineering), using community experts to support family engagement among low-income immigrant families with preschool children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $246,710 Year Granted 2016 San Mateo County Office of Education to implement a revised approach to the Early Learning Math Initiative in the San Mateo Foster City School District. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $264,300 Year Granted 2016 CuriOdyssey for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of Michigan for a study of early mathematics instruction that includes analyses of nationally representative, longitudinal datasets and an observational study of kindergarten and first grade classrooms Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $487,872 Year Granted 2016 San Jose Children's Musical Theater for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 GeoHazards International for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County for the LIBRE project, to conduct outreach and education, application assistance, and legal support when appropriate, to help low-income immigrants access government benefits Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $52,000 Year Granted 2016 Yale University for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $374,937 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the acquisition of an isotope ratio mass spectrometer Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,200,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to design and study a model of parental engagement in mathematics based on two-way dialogue between school and home with a focus on low-income and linguistically diverse families Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $249,568 Year Granted 2016 Human Rights Watch Inc. for U.S. criminal justice and immigration programs and the women’s rights division worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Frameworks Institute to develop and empirically test a framing strategy for building support for family engagement Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $270,000 Year Granted 2016 Asian American-Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2016 Johns Hopkins University to support the adaptation, feasibility testing, and dissemination of a portfolio of observational tools for use by home visiting professionals and researchers to measure, and ultimately improve, home visitors’ communication skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for the Renewing Communities Initiative project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Social Impact Fund for the Show Me Campaign’s #FREEAMERICA project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support microwave cavity research and development efforts that will improve the discovery potential of axion dark matter by the Extreme Axion Experiment Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $115,000 Year Granted 2016 Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Common Sense Media to support early education content curation and to begin advocating for the recommendations outlined in the Right Start Commission 2016 report Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center for 2016 Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2016 Alliance for Early Success for general support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,800,000 Year Granted 2016 Silicon Valley De-Bug for grassroots advocacy for bail reform in California Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Kansas Center For Research, Inc. to support the design and implementation of two e-learning modules focused on cultural competencies, and to support field-testing of national home visitor competencies Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $199,731 Year Granted 2016 Science Friday Initiative, Inc. for general support ($150,000) and for the development of the Spotlights multimedia project ($50,000) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Jose Grail Family Services to implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Georgetown University to identify the classroom processes that affect the early learning and development of 3-year-olds in early care and education settings in Tulsa, OK. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $447,017 Year Granted 2016 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices to provide governors’ advisors with a year of technical assistance to inform their considerations for aligning market incentives with state policy goals Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2016 Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Inc. for Kids in Common Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,000 Year Granted 2016 Trustees of Tufts College for research and development on home-school collaboration in the RISE project (Readiness through Integrative Science and Engineering), using community experts to support family engagement among low-income immigrant families with preschool children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $246,710 Year Granted 2016 San Mateo County Office of Education to implement a revised approach to the Early Learning Math Initiative in the San Mateo Foster City School District. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $264,300 Year Granted 2016 CuriOdyssey for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of Michigan for a study of early mathematics instruction that includes analyses of nationally representative, longitudinal datasets and an observational study of kindergarten and first grade classrooms Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $487,872 Year Granted 2016 San Jose Children's Musical Theater for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 GeoHazards International for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County for the LIBRE project, to conduct outreach and education, application assistance, and legal support when appropriate, to help low-income immigrants access government benefits Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $52,000 Year Granted 2016 Yale University for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $374,937 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the acquisition of an isotope ratio mass spectrometer Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,200,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to design and study a model of parental engagement in mathematics based on two-way dialogue between school and home with a focus on low-income and linguistically diverse families Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $249,568 Year Granted 2016 Human Rights Watch Inc. for U.S. criminal justice and immigration programs and the women’s rights division worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Frameworks Institute to develop and empirically test a framing strategy for building support for family engagement Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $270,000 Year Granted 2016 Asian American-Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2016 Johns Hopkins University to support the adaptation, feasibility testing, and dissemination of a portfolio of observational tools for use by home visiting professionals and researchers to measure, and ultimately improve, home visitors’ communication skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for the Renewing Communities Initiative project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Social Impact Fund for the Show Me Campaign’s #FREEAMERICA project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support microwave cavity research and development efforts that will improve the discovery potential of axion dark matter by the Extreme Axion Experiment Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $115,000 Year Granted 2016 Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Tides Center for 2016 Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $7,500 Year Granted 2016 Alliance for Early Success for general support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,800,000 Year Granted 2016 Silicon Valley De-Bug for grassroots advocacy for bail reform in California Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Kansas Center For Research, Inc. to support the design and implementation of two e-learning modules focused on cultural competencies, and to support field-testing of national home visitor competencies Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $199,731 Year Granted 2016 Science Friday Initiative, Inc. for general support ($150,000) and for the development of the Spotlights multimedia project ($50,000) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Jose Grail Family Services to implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Georgetown University to identify the classroom processes that affect the early learning and development of 3-year-olds in early care and education settings in Tulsa, OK. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $447,017 Year Granted 2016 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices to provide governors’ advisors with a year of technical assistance to inform their considerations for aligning market incentives with state policy goals Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2016 Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Inc. for Kids in Common Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,000 Year Granted 2016 Trustees of Tufts College for research and development on home-school collaboration in the RISE project (Readiness through Integrative Science and Engineering), using community experts to support family engagement among low-income immigrant families with preschool children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $246,710 Year Granted 2016 San Mateo County Office of Education to implement a revised approach to the Early Learning Math Initiative in the San Mateo Foster City School District. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $264,300 Year Granted 2016 CuriOdyssey for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of Michigan for a study of early mathematics instruction that includes analyses of nationally representative, longitudinal datasets and an observational study of kindergarten and first grade classrooms Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $487,872 Year Granted 2016 San Jose Children's Musical Theater for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 GeoHazards International for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County for the LIBRE project, to conduct outreach and education, application assistance, and legal support when appropriate, to help low-income immigrants access government benefits Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $52,000 Year Granted 2016 Yale University for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $374,937 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the acquisition of an isotope ratio mass spectrometer Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,200,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to design and study a model of parental engagement in mathematics based on two-way dialogue between school and home with a focus on low-income and linguistically diverse families Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $249,568 Year Granted 2016 Human Rights Watch Inc. for U.S. criminal justice and immigration programs and the women’s rights division worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Frameworks Institute to develop and empirically test a framing strategy for building support for family engagement Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $270,000 Year Granted 2016 Asian American-Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2016 Johns Hopkins University to support the adaptation, feasibility testing, and dissemination of a portfolio of observational tools for use by home visiting professionals and researchers to measure, and ultimately improve, home visitors’ communication skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for the Renewing Communities Initiative project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Social Impact Fund for the Show Me Campaign’s #FREEAMERICA project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support microwave cavity research and development efforts that will improve the discovery potential of axion dark matter by the Extreme Axion Experiment Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $115,000 Year Granted 2016 Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Alliance for Early Success for general support Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,800,000 Year Granted 2016 Silicon Valley De-Bug for grassroots advocacy for bail reform in California Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Kansas Center For Research, Inc. to support the design and implementation of two e-learning modules focused on cultural competencies, and to support field-testing of national home visitor competencies Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $199,731 Year Granted 2016 Science Friday Initiative, Inc. for general support ($150,000) and for the development of the Spotlights multimedia project ($50,000) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Jose Grail Family Services to implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Georgetown University to identify the classroom processes that affect the early learning and development of 3-year-olds in early care and education settings in Tulsa, OK. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $447,017 Year Granted 2016 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices to provide governors’ advisors with a year of technical assistance to inform their considerations for aligning market incentives with state policy goals Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2016 Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Inc. for Kids in Common Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,000 Year Granted 2016 Trustees of Tufts College for research and development on home-school collaboration in the RISE project (Readiness through Integrative Science and Engineering), using community experts to support family engagement among low-income immigrant families with preschool children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $246,710 Year Granted 2016 San Mateo County Office of Education to implement a revised approach to the Early Learning Math Initiative in the San Mateo Foster City School District. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $264,300 Year Granted 2016 CuriOdyssey for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of Michigan for a study of early mathematics instruction that includes analyses of nationally representative, longitudinal datasets and an observational study of kindergarten and first grade classrooms Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $487,872 Year Granted 2016 San Jose Children's Musical Theater for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 GeoHazards International for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County for the LIBRE project, to conduct outreach and education, application assistance, and legal support when appropriate, to help low-income immigrants access government benefits Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $52,000 Year Granted 2016 Yale University for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $374,937 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the acquisition of an isotope ratio mass spectrometer Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,200,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to design and study a model of parental engagement in mathematics based on two-way dialogue between school and home with a focus on low-income and linguistically diverse families Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $249,568 Year Granted 2016 Human Rights Watch Inc. for U.S. criminal justice and immigration programs and the women’s rights division worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Frameworks Institute to develop and empirically test a framing strategy for building support for family engagement Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $270,000 Year Granted 2016 Asian American-Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2016 Johns Hopkins University to support the adaptation, feasibility testing, and dissemination of a portfolio of observational tools for use by home visiting professionals and researchers to measure, and ultimately improve, home visitors’ communication skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for the Renewing Communities Initiative project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Social Impact Fund for the Show Me Campaign’s #FREEAMERICA project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support microwave cavity research and development efforts that will improve the discovery potential of axion dark matter by the Extreme Axion Experiment Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $115,000 Year Granted 2016 Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Silicon Valley De-Bug for grassroots advocacy for bail reform in California Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $75,000 Year Granted 2016 University of Kansas Center For Research, Inc. to support the design and implementation of two e-learning modules focused on cultural competencies, and to support field-testing of national home visitor competencies Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $199,731 Year Granted 2016 Science Friday Initiative, Inc. for general support ($150,000) and for the development of the Spotlights multimedia project ($50,000) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Jose Grail Family Services to implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Georgetown University to identify the classroom processes that affect the early learning and development of 3-year-olds in early care and education settings in Tulsa, OK. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $447,017 Year Granted 2016 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices to provide governors’ advisors with a year of technical assistance to inform their considerations for aligning market incentives with state policy goals Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2016 Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Inc. for Kids in Common Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,000 Year Granted 2016 Trustees of Tufts College for research and development on home-school collaboration in the RISE project (Readiness through Integrative Science and Engineering), using community experts to support family engagement among low-income immigrant families with preschool children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $246,710 Year Granted 2016 San Mateo County Office of Education to implement a revised approach to the Early Learning Math Initiative in the San Mateo Foster City School District. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $264,300 Year Granted 2016 CuriOdyssey for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of Michigan for a study of early mathematics instruction that includes analyses of nationally representative, longitudinal datasets and an observational study of kindergarten and first grade classrooms Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $487,872 Year Granted 2016 San Jose Children's Musical Theater for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 GeoHazards International for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County for the LIBRE project, to conduct outreach and education, application assistance, and legal support when appropriate, to help low-income immigrants access government benefits Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $52,000 Year Granted 2016 Yale University for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $374,937 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the acquisition of an isotope ratio mass spectrometer Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,200,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to design and study a model of parental engagement in mathematics based on two-way dialogue between school and home with a focus on low-income and linguistically diverse families Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $249,568 Year Granted 2016 Human Rights Watch Inc. for U.S. criminal justice and immigration programs and the women’s rights division worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Frameworks Institute to develop and empirically test a framing strategy for building support for family engagement Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $270,000 Year Granted 2016 Asian American-Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2016 Johns Hopkins University to support the adaptation, feasibility testing, and dissemination of a portfolio of observational tools for use by home visiting professionals and researchers to measure, and ultimately improve, home visitors’ communication skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for the Renewing Communities Initiative project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Social Impact Fund for the Show Me Campaign’s #FREEAMERICA project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support microwave cavity research and development efforts that will improve the discovery potential of axion dark matter by the Extreme Axion Experiment Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $115,000 Year Granted 2016 Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
University of Kansas Center For Research, Inc. to support the design and implementation of two e-learning modules focused on cultural competencies, and to support field-testing of national home visitor competencies Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $199,731 Year Granted 2016 Science Friday Initiative, Inc. for general support ($150,000) and for the development of the Spotlights multimedia project ($50,000) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Jose Grail Family Services to implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Georgetown University to identify the classroom processes that affect the early learning and development of 3-year-olds in early care and education settings in Tulsa, OK. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $447,017 Year Granted 2016 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices to provide governors’ advisors with a year of technical assistance to inform their considerations for aligning market incentives with state policy goals Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2016 Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Inc. for Kids in Common Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,000 Year Granted 2016 Trustees of Tufts College for research and development on home-school collaboration in the RISE project (Readiness through Integrative Science and Engineering), using community experts to support family engagement among low-income immigrant families with preschool children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $246,710 Year Granted 2016 San Mateo County Office of Education to implement a revised approach to the Early Learning Math Initiative in the San Mateo Foster City School District. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $264,300 Year Granted 2016 CuriOdyssey for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of Michigan for a study of early mathematics instruction that includes analyses of nationally representative, longitudinal datasets and an observational study of kindergarten and first grade classrooms Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $487,872 Year Granted 2016 San Jose Children's Musical Theater for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 GeoHazards International for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County for the LIBRE project, to conduct outreach and education, application assistance, and legal support when appropriate, to help low-income immigrants access government benefits Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $52,000 Year Granted 2016 Yale University for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $374,937 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the acquisition of an isotope ratio mass spectrometer Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,200,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to design and study a model of parental engagement in mathematics based on two-way dialogue between school and home with a focus on low-income and linguistically diverse families Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $249,568 Year Granted 2016 Human Rights Watch Inc. for U.S. criminal justice and immigration programs and the women’s rights division worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Frameworks Institute to develop and empirically test a framing strategy for building support for family engagement Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $270,000 Year Granted 2016 Asian American-Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2016 Johns Hopkins University to support the adaptation, feasibility testing, and dissemination of a portfolio of observational tools for use by home visiting professionals and researchers to measure, and ultimately improve, home visitors’ communication skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for the Renewing Communities Initiative project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Social Impact Fund for the Show Me Campaign’s #FREEAMERICA project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support microwave cavity research and development efforts that will improve the discovery potential of axion dark matter by the Extreme Axion Experiment Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $115,000 Year Granted 2016 Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Science Friday Initiative, Inc. for general support ($150,000) and for the development of the Spotlights multimedia project ($50,000) Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 San Jose Grail Family Services to implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Georgetown University to identify the classroom processes that affect the early learning and development of 3-year-olds in early care and education settings in Tulsa, OK. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $447,017 Year Granted 2016 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices to provide governors’ advisors with a year of technical assistance to inform their considerations for aligning market incentives with state policy goals Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2016 Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Inc. for Kids in Common Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,000 Year Granted 2016 Trustees of Tufts College for research and development on home-school collaboration in the RISE project (Readiness through Integrative Science and Engineering), using community experts to support family engagement among low-income immigrant families with preschool children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $246,710 Year Granted 2016 San Mateo County Office of Education to implement a revised approach to the Early Learning Math Initiative in the San Mateo Foster City School District. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $264,300 Year Granted 2016 CuriOdyssey for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of Michigan for a study of early mathematics instruction that includes analyses of nationally representative, longitudinal datasets and an observational study of kindergarten and first grade classrooms Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $487,872 Year Granted 2016 San Jose Children's Musical Theater for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 GeoHazards International for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County for the LIBRE project, to conduct outreach and education, application assistance, and legal support when appropriate, to help low-income immigrants access government benefits Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $52,000 Year Granted 2016 Yale University for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $374,937 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the acquisition of an isotope ratio mass spectrometer Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,200,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to design and study a model of parental engagement in mathematics based on two-way dialogue between school and home with a focus on low-income and linguistically diverse families Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $249,568 Year Granted 2016 Human Rights Watch Inc. for U.S. criminal justice and immigration programs and the women’s rights division worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Frameworks Institute to develop and empirically test a framing strategy for building support for family engagement Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $270,000 Year Granted 2016 Asian American-Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2016 Johns Hopkins University to support the adaptation, feasibility testing, and dissemination of a portfolio of observational tools for use by home visiting professionals and researchers to measure, and ultimately improve, home visitors’ communication skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for the Renewing Communities Initiative project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Social Impact Fund for the Show Me Campaign’s #FREEAMERICA project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support microwave cavity research and development efforts that will improve the discovery potential of axion dark matter by the Extreme Axion Experiment Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $115,000 Year Granted 2016 Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
San Jose Grail Family Services to implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Georgetown University to identify the classroom processes that affect the early learning and development of 3-year-olds in early care and education settings in Tulsa, OK. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $447,017 Year Granted 2016 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices to provide governors’ advisors with a year of technical assistance to inform their considerations for aligning market incentives with state policy goals Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2016 Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Inc. for Kids in Common Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,000 Year Granted 2016 Trustees of Tufts College for research and development on home-school collaboration in the RISE project (Readiness through Integrative Science and Engineering), using community experts to support family engagement among low-income immigrant families with preschool children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $246,710 Year Granted 2016 San Mateo County Office of Education to implement a revised approach to the Early Learning Math Initiative in the San Mateo Foster City School District. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $264,300 Year Granted 2016 CuriOdyssey for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of Michigan for a study of early mathematics instruction that includes analyses of nationally representative, longitudinal datasets and an observational study of kindergarten and first grade classrooms Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $487,872 Year Granted 2016 San Jose Children's Musical Theater for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 GeoHazards International for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County for the LIBRE project, to conduct outreach and education, application assistance, and legal support when appropriate, to help low-income immigrants access government benefits Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $52,000 Year Granted 2016 Yale University for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $374,937 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the acquisition of an isotope ratio mass spectrometer Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,200,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to design and study a model of parental engagement in mathematics based on two-way dialogue between school and home with a focus on low-income and linguistically diverse families Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $249,568 Year Granted 2016 Human Rights Watch Inc. for U.S. criminal justice and immigration programs and the women’s rights division worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Frameworks Institute to develop and empirically test a framing strategy for building support for family engagement Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $270,000 Year Granted 2016 Asian American-Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2016 Johns Hopkins University to support the adaptation, feasibility testing, and dissemination of a portfolio of observational tools for use by home visiting professionals and researchers to measure, and ultimately improve, home visitors’ communication skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for the Renewing Communities Initiative project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Social Impact Fund for the Show Me Campaign’s #FREEAMERICA project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support microwave cavity research and development efforts that will improve the discovery potential of axion dark matter by the Extreme Axion Experiment Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $115,000 Year Granted 2016 Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Georgetown University to identify the classroom processes that affect the early learning and development of 3-year-olds in early care and education settings in Tulsa, OK. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $447,017 Year Granted 2016 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices to provide governors’ advisors with a year of technical assistance to inform their considerations for aligning market incentives with state policy goals Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2016 Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Inc. for Kids in Common Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,000 Year Granted 2016 Trustees of Tufts College for research and development on home-school collaboration in the RISE project (Readiness through Integrative Science and Engineering), using community experts to support family engagement among low-income immigrant families with preschool children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $246,710 Year Granted 2016 San Mateo County Office of Education to implement a revised approach to the Early Learning Math Initiative in the San Mateo Foster City School District. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $264,300 Year Granted 2016 CuriOdyssey for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of Michigan for a study of early mathematics instruction that includes analyses of nationally representative, longitudinal datasets and an observational study of kindergarten and first grade classrooms Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $487,872 Year Granted 2016 San Jose Children's Musical Theater for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 GeoHazards International for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County for the LIBRE project, to conduct outreach and education, application assistance, and legal support when appropriate, to help low-income immigrants access government benefits Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $52,000 Year Granted 2016 Yale University for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $374,937 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the acquisition of an isotope ratio mass spectrometer Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,200,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to design and study a model of parental engagement in mathematics based on two-way dialogue between school and home with a focus on low-income and linguistically diverse families Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $249,568 Year Granted 2016 Human Rights Watch Inc. for U.S. criminal justice and immigration programs and the women’s rights division worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Frameworks Institute to develop and empirically test a framing strategy for building support for family engagement Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $270,000 Year Granted 2016 Asian American-Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2016 Johns Hopkins University to support the adaptation, feasibility testing, and dissemination of a portfolio of observational tools for use by home visiting professionals and researchers to measure, and ultimately improve, home visitors’ communication skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for the Renewing Communities Initiative project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Social Impact Fund for the Show Me Campaign’s #FREEAMERICA project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support microwave cavity research and development efforts that will improve the discovery potential of axion dark matter by the Extreme Axion Experiment Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $115,000 Year Granted 2016 Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
National Governors Association Center for Best Practices to provide governors’ advisors with a year of technical assistance to inform their considerations for aligning market incentives with state policy goals Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $250,000 Year Granted 2016 Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Inc. for Kids in Common Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,000 Year Granted 2016 Trustees of Tufts College for research and development on home-school collaboration in the RISE project (Readiness through Integrative Science and Engineering), using community experts to support family engagement among low-income immigrant families with preschool children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $246,710 Year Granted 2016 San Mateo County Office of Education to implement a revised approach to the Early Learning Math Initiative in the San Mateo Foster City School District. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $264,300 Year Granted 2016 CuriOdyssey for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of Michigan for a study of early mathematics instruction that includes analyses of nationally representative, longitudinal datasets and an observational study of kindergarten and first grade classrooms Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $487,872 Year Granted 2016 San Jose Children's Musical Theater for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 GeoHazards International for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County for the LIBRE project, to conduct outreach and education, application assistance, and legal support when appropriate, to help low-income immigrants access government benefits Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $52,000 Year Granted 2016 Yale University for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $374,937 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the acquisition of an isotope ratio mass spectrometer Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,200,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to design and study a model of parental engagement in mathematics based on two-way dialogue between school and home with a focus on low-income and linguistically diverse families Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $249,568 Year Granted 2016 Human Rights Watch Inc. for U.S. criminal justice and immigration programs and the women’s rights division worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Frameworks Institute to develop and empirically test a framing strategy for building support for family engagement Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $270,000 Year Granted 2016 Asian American-Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2016 Johns Hopkins University to support the adaptation, feasibility testing, and dissemination of a portfolio of observational tools for use by home visiting professionals and researchers to measure, and ultimately improve, home visitors’ communication skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for the Renewing Communities Initiative project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Social Impact Fund for the Show Me Campaign’s #FREEAMERICA project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support microwave cavity research and development efforts that will improve the discovery potential of axion dark matter by the Extreme Axion Experiment Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $115,000 Year Granted 2016 Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Inc. for Kids in Common Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,000 Year Granted 2016 Trustees of Tufts College for research and development on home-school collaboration in the RISE project (Readiness through Integrative Science and Engineering), using community experts to support family engagement among low-income immigrant families with preschool children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $246,710 Year Granted 2016 San Mateo County Office of Education to implement a revised approach to the Early Learning Math Initiative in the San Mateo Foster City School District. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $264,300 Year Granted 2016 CuriOdyssey for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of Michigan for a study of early mathematics instruction that includes analyses of nationally representative, longitudinal datasets and an observational study of kindergarten and first grade classrooms Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $487,872 Year Granted 2016 San Jose Children's Musical Theater for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 GeoHazards International for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County for the LIBRE project, to conduct outreach and education, application assistance, and legal support when appropriate, to help low-income immigrants access government benefits Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $52,000 Year Granted 2016 Yale University for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $374,937 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the acquisition of an isotope ratio mass spectrometer Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,200,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to design and study a model of parental engagement in mathematics based on two-way dialogue between school and home with a focus on low-income and linguistically diverse families Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $249,568 Year Granted 2016 Human Rights Watch Inc. for U.S. criminal justice and immigration programs and the women’s rights division worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Frameworks Institute to develop and empirically test a framing strategy for building support for family engagement Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $270,000 Year Granted 2016 Asian American-Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2016 Johns Hopkins University to support the adaptation, feasibility testing, and dissemination of a portfolio of observational tools for use by home visiting professionals and researchers to measure, and ultimately improve, home visitors’ communication skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for the Renewing Communities Initiative project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Social Impact Fund for the Show Me Campaign’s #FREEAMERICA project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support microwave cavity research and development efforts that will improve the discovery potential of axion dark matter by the Extreme Axion Experiment Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $115,000 Year Granted 2016 Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Trustees of Tufts College for research and development on home-school collaboration in the RISE project (Readiness through Integrative Science and Engineering), using community experts to support family engagement among low-income immigrant families with preschool children Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $246,710 Year Granted 2016 San Mateo County Office of Education to implement a revised approach to the Early Learning Math Initiative in the San Mateo Foster City School District. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $264,300 Year Granted 2016 CuriOdyssey for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of Michigan for a study of early mathematics instruction that includes analyses of nationally representative, longitudinal datasets and an observational study of kindergarten and first grade classrooms Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $487,872 Year Granted 2016 San Jose Children's Musical Theater for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 GeoHazards International for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County for the LIBRE project, to conduct outreach and education, application assistance, and legal support when appropriate, to help low-income immigrants access government benefits Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $52,000 Year Granted 2016 Yale University for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $374,937 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the acquisition of an isotope ratio mass spectrometer Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,200,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to design and study a model of parental engagement in mathematics based on two-way dialogue between school and home with a focus on low-income and linguistically diverse families Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $249,568 Year Granted 2016 Human Rights Watch Inc. for U.S. criminal justice and immigration programs and the women’s rights division worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Frameworks Institute to develop and empirically test a framing strategy for building support for family engagement Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $270,000 Year Granted 2016 Asian American-Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2016 Johns Hopkins University to support the adaptation, feasibility testing, and dissemination of a portfolio of observational tools for use by home visiting professionals and researchers to measure, and ultimately improve, home visitors’ communication skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for the Renewing Communities Initiative project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Social Impact Fund for the Show Me Campaign’s #FREEAMERICA project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support microwave cavity research and development efforts that will improve the discovery potential of axion dark matter by the Extreme Axion Experiment Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $115,000 Year Granted 2016 Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
San Mateo County Office of Education to implement a revised approach to the Early Learning Math Initiative in the San Mateo Foster City School District. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $264,300 Year Granted 2016 CuriOdyssey for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of Michigan for a study of early mathematics instruction that includes analyses of nationally representative, longitudinal datasets and an observational study of kindergarten and first grade classrooms Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $487,872 Year Granted 2016 San Jose Children's Musical Theater for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 GeoHazards International for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County for the LIBRE project, to conduct outreach and education, application assistance, and legal support when appropriate, to help low-income immigrants access government benefits Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $52,000 Year Granted 2016 Yale University for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $374,937 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the acquisition of an isotope ratio mass spectrometer Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,200,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to design and study a model of parental engagement in mathematics based on two-way dialogue between school and home with a focus on low-income and linguistically diverse families Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $249,568 Year Granted 2016 Human Rights Watch Inc. for U.S. criminal justice and immigration programs and the women’s rights division worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Frameworks Institute to develop and empirically test a framing strategy for building support for family engagement Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $270,000 Year Granted 2016 Asian American-Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2016 Johns Hopkins University to support the adaptation, feasibility testing, and dissemination of a portfolio of observational tools for use by home visiting professionals and researchers to measure, and ultimately improve, home visitors’ communication skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for the Renewing Communities Initiative project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Social Impact Fund for the Show Me Campaign’s #FREEAMERICA project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support microwave cavity research and development efforts that will improve the discovery potential of axion dark matter by the Extreme Axion Experiment Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $115,000 Year Granted 2016 Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
CuriOdyssey for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of Michigan for a study of early mathematics instruction that includes analyses of nationally representative, longitudinal datasets and an observational study of kindergarten and first grade classrooms Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $487,872 Year Granted 2016 San Jose Children's Musical Theater for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 GeoHazards International for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County for the LIBRE project, to conduct outreach and education, application assistance, and legal support when appropriate, to help low-income immigrants access government benefits Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $52,000 Year Granted 2016 Yale University for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $374,937 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the acquisition of an isotope ratio mass spectrometer Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,200,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to design and study a model of parental engagement in mathematics based on two-way dialogue between school and home with a focus on low-income and linguistically diverse families Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $249,568 Year Granted 2016 Human Rights Watch Inc. for U.S. criminal justice and immigration programs and the women’s rights division worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Frameworks Institute to develop and empirically test a framing strategy for building support for family engagement Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $270,000 Year Granted 2016 Asian American-Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2016 Johns Hopkins University to support the adaptation, feasibility testing, and dissemination of a portfolio of observational tools for use by home visiting professionals and researchers to measure, and ultimately improve, home visitors’ communication skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for the Renewing Communities Initiative project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Social Impact Fund for the Show Me Campaign’s #FREEAMERICA project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support microwave cavity research and development efforts that will improve the discovery potential of axion dark matter by the Extreme Axion Experiment Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $115,000 Year Granted 2016 Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Regents of the University of Michigan for a study of early mathematics instruction that includes analyses of nationally representative, longitudinal datasets and an observational study of kindergarten and first grade classrooms Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $487,872 Year Granted 2016 San Jose Children's Musical Theater for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 GeoHazards International for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County for the LIBRE project, to conduct outreach and education, application assistance, and legal support when appropriate, to help low-income immigrants access government benefits Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $52,000 Year Granted 2016 Yale University for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $374,937 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the acquisition of an isotope ratio mass spectrometer Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,200,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to design and study a model of parental engagement in mathematics based on two-way dialogue between school and home with a focus on low-income and linguistically diverse families Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $249,568 Year Granted 2016 Human Rights Watch Inc. for U.S. criminal justice and immigration programs and the women’s rights division worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Frameworks Institute to develop and empirically test a framing strategy for building support for family engagement Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $270,000 Year Granted 2016 Asian American-Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2016 Johns Hopkins University to support the adaptation, feasibility testing, and dissemination of a portfolio of observational tools for use by home visiting professionals and researchers to measure, and ultimately improve, home visitors’ communication skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for the Renewing Communities Initiative project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Social Impact Fund for the Show Me Campaign’s #FREEAMERICA project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support microwave cavity research and development efforts that will improve the discovery potential of axion dark matter by the Extreme Axion Experiment Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $115,000 Year Granted 2016 Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
San Jose Children's Musical Theater for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 GeoHazards International for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County for the LIBRE project, to conduct outreach and education, application assistance, and legal support when appropriate, to help low-income immigrants access government benefits Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $52,000 Year Granted 2016 Yale University for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $374,937 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the acquisition of an isotope ratio mass spectrometer Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,200,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to design and study a model of parental engagement in mathematics based on two-way dialogue between school and home with a focus on low-income and linguistically diverse families Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $249,568 Year Granted 2016 Human Rights Watch Inc. for U.S. criminal justice and immigration programs and the women’s rights division worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Frameworks Institute to develop and empirically test a framing strategy for building support for family engagement Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $270,000 Year Granted 2016 Asian American-Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2016 Johns Hopkins University to support the adaptation, feasibility testing, and dissemination of a portfolio of observational tools for use by home visiting professionals and researchers to measure, and ultimately improve, home visitors’ communication skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for the Renewing Communities Initiative project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Social Impact Fund for the Show Me Campaign’s #FREEAMERICA project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support microwave cavity research and development efforts that will improve the discovery potential of axion dark matter by the Extreme Axion Experiment Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $115,000 Year Granted 2016 Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
GeoHazards International for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County for the LIBRE project, to conduct outreach and education, application assistance, and legal support when appropriate, to help low-income immigrants access government benefits Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $52,000 Year Granted 2016 Yale University for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $374,937 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the acquisition of an isotope ratio mass spectrometer Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,200,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to design and study a model of parental engagement in mathematics based on two-way dialogue between school and home with a focus on low-income and linguistically diverse families Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $249,568 Year Granted 2016 Human Rights Watch Inc. for U.S. criminal justice and immigration programs and the women’s rights division worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Frameworks Institute to develop and empirically test a framing strategy for building support for family engagement Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $270,000 Year Granted 2016 Asian American-Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2016 Johns Hopkins University to support the adaptation, feasibility testing, and dissemination of a portfolio of observational tools for use by home visiting professionals and researchers to measure, and ultimately improve, home visitors’ communication skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for the Renewing Communities Initiative project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Social Impact Fund for the Show Me Campaign’s #FREEAMERICA project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support microwave cavity research and development efforts that will improve the discovery potential of axion dark matter by the Extreme Axion Experiment Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $115,000 Year Granted 2016 Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County for the LIBRE project, to conduct outreach and education, application assistance, and legal support when appropriate, to help low-income immigrants access government benefits Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $52,000 Year Granted 2016 Yale University for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $374,937 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the acquisition of an isotope ratio mass spectrometer Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,200,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to design and study a model of parental engagement in mathematics based on two-way dialogue between school and home with a focus on low-income and linguistically diverse families Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $249,568 Year Granted 2016 Human Rights Watch Inc. for U.S. criminal justice and immigration programs and the women’s rights division worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Frameworks Institute to develop and empirically test a framing strategy for building support for family engagement Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $270,000 Year Granted 2016 Asian American-Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2016 Johns Hopkins University to support the adaptation, feasibility testing, and dissemination of a portfolio of observational tools for use by home visiting professionals and researchers to measure, and ultimately improve, home visitors’ communication skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for the Renewing Communities Initiative project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Social Impact Fund for the Show Me Campaign’s #FREEAMERICA project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support microwave cavity research and development efforts that will improve the discovery potential of axion dark matter by the Extreme Axion Experiment Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $115,000 Year Granted 2016 Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Yale University for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $374,937 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the acquisition of an isotope ratio mass spectrometer Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,200,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to design and study a model of parental engagement in mathematics based on two-way dialogue between school and home with a focus on low-income and linguistically diverse families Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $249,568 Year Granted 2016 Human Rights Watch Inc. for U.S. criminal justice and immigration programs and the women’s rights division worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Frameworks Institute to develop and empirically test a framing strategy for building support for family engagement Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $270,000 Year Granted 2016 Asian American-Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2016 Johns Hopkins University to support the adaptation, feasibility testing, and dissemination of a portfolio of observational tools for use by home visiting professionals and researchers to measure, and ultimately improve, home visitors’ communication skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for the Renewing Communities Initiative project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Social Impact Fund for the Show Me Campaign’s #FREEAMERICA project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support microwave cavity research and development efforts that will improve the discovery potential of axion dark matter by the Extreme Axion Experiment Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $115,000 Year Granted 2016 Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Regents of the University of California at Berkeley for the acquisition of an isotope ratio mass spectrometer Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,200,000 Year Granted 2016 Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to design and study a model of parental engagement in mathematics based on two-way dialogue between school and home with a focus on low-income and linguistically diverse families Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $249,568 Year Granted 2016 Human Rights Watch Inc. for U.S. criminal justice and immigration programs and the women’s rights division worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Frameworks Institute to develop and empirically test a framing strategy for building support for family engagement Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $270,000 Year Granted 2016 Asian American-Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2016 Johns Hopkins University to support the adaptation, feasibility testing, and dissemination of a portfolio of observational tools for use by home visiting professionals and researchers to measure, and ultimately improve, home visitors’ communication skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for the Renewing Communities Initiative project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Social Impact Fund for the Show Me Campaign’s #FREEAMERICA project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support microwave cavity research and development efforts that will improve the discovery potential of axion dark matter by the Extreme Axion Experiment Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $115,000 Year Granted 2016 Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona to design and study a model of parental engagement in mathematics based on two-way dialogue between school and home with a focus on low-income and linguistically diverse families Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $249,568 Year Granted 2016 Human Rights Watch Inc. for U.S. criminal justice and immigration programs and the women’s rights division worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Frameworks Institute to develop and empirically test a framing strategy for building support for family engagement Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $270,000 Year Granted 2016 Asian American-Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2016 Johns Hopkins University to support the adaptation, feasibility testing, and dissemination of a portfolio of observational tools for use by home visiting professionals and researchers to measure, and ultimately improve, home visitors’ communication skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for the Renewing Communities Initiative project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Social Impact Fund for the Show Me Campaign’s #FREEAMERICA project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support microwave cavity research and development efforts that will improve the discovery potential of axion dark matter by the Extreme Axion Experiment Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $115,000 Year Granted 2016 Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Human Rights Watch Inc. for U.S. criminal justice and immigration programs and the women’s rights division worldwide Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $150,000 Year Granted 2016 Frameworks Institute to develop and empirically test a framing strategy for building support for family engagement Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $270,000 Year Granted 2016 Asian American-Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2016 Johns Hopkins University to support the adaptation, feasibility testing, and dissemination of a portfolio of observational tools for use by home visiting professionals and researchers to measure, and ultimately improve, home visitors’ communication skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for the Renewing Communities Initiative project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Social Impact Fund for the Show Me Campaign’s #FREEAMERICA project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support microwave cavity research and development efforts that will improve the discovery potential of axion dark matter by the Extreme Axion Experiment Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $115,000 Year Granted 2016 Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Frameworks Institute to develop and empirically test a framing strategy for building support for family engagement Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $270,000 Year Granted 2016 Asian American-Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2016 Johns Hopkins University to support the adaptation, feasibility testing, and dissemination of a portfolio of observational tools for use by home visiting professionals and researchers to measure, and ultimately improve, home visitors’ communication skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for the Renewing Communities Initiative project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Social Impact Fund for the Show Me Campaign’s #FREEAMERICA project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support microwave cavity research and development efforts that will improve the discovery potential of axion dark matter by the Extreme Axion Experiment Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $115,000 Year Granted 2016 Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Asian American-Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy for 2016 Membership Dues Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500 Year Granted 2016 Johns Hopkins University to support the adaptation, feasibility testing, and dissemination of a portfolio of observational tools for use by home visiting professionals and researchers to measure, and ultimately improve, home visitors’ communication skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for the Renewing Communities Initiative project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Social Impact Fund for the Show Me Campaign’s #FREEAMERICA project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support microwave cavity research and development efforts that will improve the discovery potential of axion dark matter by the Extreme Axion Experiment Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $115,000 Year Granted 2016 Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Johns Hopkins University to support the adaptation, feasibility testing, and dissemination of a portfolio of observational tools for use by home visiting professionals and researchers to measure, and ultimately improve, home visitors’ communication skills Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,000,000 Year Granted 2016 The Opportunity Institute for the Renewing Communities Initiative project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Social Impact Fund for the Show Me Campaign’s #FREEAMERICA project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support microwave cavity research and development efforts that will improve the discovery potential of axion dark matter by the Extreme Axion Experiment Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $115,000 Year Granted 2016 Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
The Opportunity Institute for the Renewing Communities Initiative project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $300,000 Year Granted 2016 Social Impact Fund for the Show Me Campaign’s #FREEAMERICA project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support microwave cavity research and development efforts that will improve the discovery potential of axion dark matter by the Extreme Axion Experiment Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $115,000 Year Granted 2016 Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Social Impact Fund for the Show Me Campaign’s #FREEAMERICA project Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support microwave cavity research and development efforts that will improve the discovery potential of axion dark matter by the Extreme Axion Experiment Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $115,000 Year Granted 2016 Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Regents of the University of California at Berkeley to support microwave cavity research and development efforts that will improve the discovery potential of axion dark matter by the Extreme Axion Experiment Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $115,000 Year Granted 2016 Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Puente de la Costa Sur to 1) implement Phase III of the Family Engagement Impact Project, and 2) pilot a bilingual parent co-op Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $180,274 Year Granted 2016 National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
National Academy of Sciences to support committee planning for the Astro2020 decadal survey and board activities in space studies, physics, and astronomy Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $200,000 Year Granted 2016 County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
County of San Mateo Human Services Agency for Office of Immigrant Support and Coordination’s first-ever Immigrant Integration Summit Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $4,000 Year Granted 2016 Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Save the Children Federation Inc. to provide technical assistance on family engagement implementation to Early Head Start-Child Care partnership grantees in California Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $560,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. for research and activities in domestic and international fisheries, habitat exchanges, market-based approaches to water management, natural gas waste water, and climate science Program Climate and Clean Energy Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $2,500,000 Year Granted 2016 Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Sesame Workshop to expand and enhance Make Believe With Math with new research-based content and strategic partnerships to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $450,000 Year Granted 2016 Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Environmental Volunteers Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Proteus Fund for the International Human Rights Funders Group Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $1,500 Year Granted 2016 TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
TheatreWorks Silicon Valley for the TheatreWorks for Schools program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $10,000 Year Granted 2016 KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
KQED Inc. for general support Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next The list above contains awards approved by the Foundation. These are primarily grants, but also include direct charitable activities (DCAs) and program-related investments (PRIs). DCAs are distributions a foundation makes to conduct its own charitable activities, rather than by or through other organizations. PRIs are investments with a charitable purpose for which the Foundation’s primary purpose is not to produce income. Under IRS regulations, the expenses associated with DCAs and PRIs count toward a foundation’s qualifying distributions and are reported on its IRS Form 990-PF.
Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc. for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $20,000 Year Granted 2016 California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next
California Institute of Technology for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $363,586 Year Granted 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next
The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for the acquisition and installation of an oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometer system Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $526,212 Year Granted 2016 Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next
Tides Center to support organizational capacity building for the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $100,000 Year Granted 2016 Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next
Asylum Access for general support Program Human Rights Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next
President and Fellows of Harvard College for two studies of family and social network support for student attendance, and for the Social Support Research and Development Lab Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $276,271 Year Granted 2016 Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next
Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation for the Community Grants program Program Past Program Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016 Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 89 Next
Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area to conduct an assessment of which Bay Area school districts are meeting their obligation to provide equal opportunity for limited English proficient parents (LEP) to become involved in their children’s education Program Education Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $25,000 Year Granted 2016 University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016
University of California Berkeley Foundation for the endowment of the Eugene D. Commins Chair in Experimental Physics Program Science Grant Type Grant Grant Amount $161,436 Year Granted 2016