If you are an active grantee of the Heising-Simons Foundation and you would like to publicize your partnership with us, or acknowledge the Foundation’s support in public materials, please email the Foundation’s Communications department at [email protected] in advance. In your message, please provide all relevant context about your request. See below for initial guidance. 

Attribution Language

  • Please note the article “the” is not part of the Heising-Simons Foundation’s name and should not be capitalized, unless it’s at the beginning of a sentence.
  • If you plan to mention the Foundation in any announcements, press releases, newsletters, website stories, events, or other public dissemination about your grant, please email the Foundation’s Communications department at [email protected] to give advance notice and, if applicable, share any such materials.
  • You do not need to receive advance permission for basic grant disclosures from the Foundation. In such cases, please use the following language:
    • For general support grants: “[Organization] was supported [in part] by the Heising-Simons Foundation.”
    • For project specific grants: “[Project name] was supported [in part] by the Heising-Simons Foundation.”
  • Grantees may acknowledge the Foundation’s support for independent academic research and scientific products — such as conference presentations, academic papers, etc. – without prior review or approval from the Communications department. However, we ask you to let your program officer know, so the officer is aware. In such cases, appropriate acknowledgments would be:
    • “This [research, publication] was funded by the Heising-Simons Foundation through grant 202X-XXXX.”
    • “The contributions of [individual name] were funded by the Heising-Simons Foundation through grant 202X-XXXX.”
    • “[Project name] was funded by the Heising-Simons Foundation through grant 202X-XXXX.”


  • Please share any potential use of the Foundation’s logo with the Communications department for permission, in advance. In your email, please let us know where and how you plan to use the logo, and, if possible, share any relevant materials where the logo may appear.
  • Common requests for using our logo include: listing the Foundation as a supporter, alongside other funders, on your website; event sponsorships; and conference presentations.
  • As a best practice, logos should link back to the Heising-Simons Foundation’s website when possible: hsfoundation.org.
  • Logos should be clearly readable, unaltered, and sized proportionally to the original dimensions provided.
  • Logo should be used in color on a white background, or in white when on a dark, colorful, or photographic background.
  • To obtain our logo, please contact us at [email protected]

Social Media

The Foundation is active on LinkedIn. Please feel free to tag us. Empty heading