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Cyndi Atherton Appointed to the Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate of the National Academy of Sciences

Cyndi Atherton, the Foundation’s Science program director, has been appointed to the Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (BASC) of the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine.

Cyndi earned her Ph.D. in atmospheric science from the University of California, Davis, and has a master’s degree in chemical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a bachelor’s degree from Caltech in engineering and applied science. She oversees a portfolio of research in climate change science, physics and astronomy for the Foundation, which includes an initiative to increase the number of women in physics and astronomy in the U.S. research academy.

The BASC tackles issues that are at the forefront of global scientific interest and human health concerns, such as climate change impacts and global climate models, air pollution, and severe weather. Cyndi’s appointment to the BASC will run through November 2022.
